XCOM 2-如何加快游戏动画的速度-没有模型

进入Steam游戏库-右键单击XCOM 2-选择属性-在“常规”选项卡下,选择“设置启动选项”-然后键入“ -allowconsole”,并用破折号单击确定-使用减号和加号键盘最右侧的键可以加快或减慢游戏动画。

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XCOM 2:选择的战争是XCOM 2的扩展。该扩展于2017年8月29日发布,适用于Windows PC

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ActiveMods = CapnbubsAccessories-WotC
ActiveMods = Missing_FX_Package_Resource
ActiveMods = WOTCCameraDegrees
ActiveMods = StopWastingMyTime
ActiveMods = QuickerReload
ActiveMods = FreeReloadAnytimeWOTC
ActiveMods =溢出AP
ActiveMods = WOTCLifetimeStats
ActiveMods = ModConfigMenu
ActiveMods =小时而非天数WOTC
ActiveMods = FaceoffAmmoFixWOTC
ActiveMods = QuickSoldierInfoWOTC
ActiveMods = WotC_ColorCodedBonds
ActiveMods = WOTCLootIndicator
ActiveMods = InstantAvengerMenus
ActiveMods = PeekFromConcealment_WOTC
ActiveMods = WotCModEverythingReloaded
ActiveMods = WOTCGotchaAgain
ActiveMods = SmartOverwatchAll
ActiveMods = EvacAll_WotC
ActiveMods = ViewLockedSkillsWotc
ActiveMods = ResistanceFirearms_WotC_Assets
ActiveMods = ResistanceFirearms_WotC_Data
ActiveMods = WC_GeoscApps
ActiveMods = WC_INFormApps
ActiveMods = robojumperSquadSelect_WotC
ActiveMods = NewPromotionScreenbyDefault
ActiveMods = DetailedSoldierListWOTC
ActiveMods = KillCounter
ActiveMods = YetAnotherF1
ActiveMods = BeamGrenadeLauncher
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推特:@ JazzGames88

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  1. THANK YOU!!! Some ppl complain and say "why would you want to speed it up? why buy the game? blah blah blah". But there's some stages you have to repeat where enemies pop out from so many different places so many times and it takes forever, especially when you replay. So this was a HUGE help and makes the game better (in my opinion). So thank you for the help!!

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