LAZY SUSAN Trailer(2020)喜剧电影

LAZY SUSAN Trailer(2020)喜剧电影

  1. Thats a confused man, dressed as a woman. They need to stop promoting this mental illness as normal and call things what they are. Enough of all this crazy bullshit already.

  2. lol, Jim Rash, Matthew Broderick, there's so many appearances in this. For some reason, I've always wanted to go to those indoor trampoline places but I feel like I'm too old, lol.

  3. I know this is supposed to be funny but I have a brother like that and honestly if they think doing nothing is exhausting they should try dealing with someone like that. To be honest, if he dies, I will be relieved.

  4. It's certainly a script pitch that took some balls (sorry)… and doesn't look half bad, for something to help us take our minds off this seemingly endless sh*tstorm we're in at the moment!

  5. I love Sean Hayes and I will most likely watch this movie. However, I am confused, everyone was so angry about Scarlet Johannsen playing a trans character but no one is upset about Sean playing a woman?

  6. Entitled to be financially supported by others fir doing the minimum? They should have called it “Sussexroyal “

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