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感谢Outro Music-
Kevin MacLeod撰写的Deep Haze已获得知识共享署名许可(https://creativecommons.org/licenses / …)
资料来源:http://incompetech.com/music/royalty -…


  1. I just wanted back buttons, was that to much to ask for? Other than that I really liked the way the new controller looked with the two tone design. I'm wondering if the console will have the same kind of design concept? I can't hardly wait to get that controller in my hands and see all those wonderful game's. ???

  2. In terms of design its growing on me, but the colours Im still getting used to the whole white touch, also I do think the middle PS logo should've been the original colors

  3. Playstation, swap the left thumbstick and d pad already it's 2020. The buttons are in the most ergonomic position as it's most used why not put the thumbstick in the same place..?

  4. I have both ps4 and xbox one consoles I owned a ps1 as my first console so im not hating when I say this but PlayStation finally learned from xbox the controller looks similar to xbox now … PlayStation controllers were to small and very uncomfortable compare to xbox controller xbox controller just feels right

  5. I honestly think every controller should look like this its very futuristic portal vibe going here. But a gothy version would be cool tho too

  6. Niggas gonna go through about 20 controllers this time around… lmmfaooo I bought at least 13 controllers this gen because my kids kept breaking them… lmmfao

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