


  1. You so called Anonymous are no longer the actual ones… You guys are fake and you are no more then the Puppets of Illuminati… Otherwise you would already be removed from Youtube

  2. Well I'm self quarantined from work from mid of March until now
    Because our job has gatherings
    And I was scared to death when I experienced some chills ….
    At work they wanted me to attend
    But the doctor told me to stay home 15 days and again another 15 days a month now in
    Well sometimes we have to protect ourselves…….
    Thankfully am safe without any abnormal symptoms….
    I boost my immunity also with vitamin C and echinacea….. and more vegetables and fruits as I could
    I sometimes drink warm water with some lemon it's like alkaline…..
    Honey every morning
    Hopefully this nightmare end :/

  3. Well at the very least look to lose some of our Constitutional Freedoms, the Government will use this Covid 19 Threat as Evidence for such Measures

  4. It funny why this Anonymous cant tell here whatever the truth the leaders hiding? if this group can hack into their data systems? this group is just telling us here the news everybody knows!!! Fake group!

  5. Numbers from Spanish flu was between 17 and 100 million. All media except Spain was on a "lockdown" and only Spain spoke out asking for help…according to history..

  6. Anonymous, I thought you did your research.? The first cases were at a base in Kentucky then those soldiers went overseas and spread it there. It's called tyre Spanish flu because they were the first country to openly talk about the flu. While other countries tried to keep it a secret

  7. It’s a Global pandemic
    Economic collapse!
    I can’t believe it’s happening right now
    Happy New year 2020
    Trump at trade war with China
    Dems failed impeachment to take out Trump during election year!

  8. How many FLU like symptom no positive flu test cases were vaccinated? Perhaps the coronavirus was laced into the 2019 flu shot, with the HIV shell like they have said, so it could lay silent until irritated enough by 5G radiation. Just a theory.

  9. For fuck sake anonymous it's a seasonal flu mild at that, it's a scam it's the case problem reaction solution, I had a friend and he took the flu vaccine and he nearly died, but he was stupid following year he done it again and he was bad again for a bloody month second time he learned the lesson he never took the vaccine again. Me on the other hand never ever take shit like that and I am in perfect health, I know of another case where this woman in USA allowed her two 18 years old sons take the vaccine and both died in 24 hours she regretted it but it was too late. Your videos should be informing the people not to accept the Government's bullshit. Do your duty properly otherwise stop posting shit.

  10. Nope. The tests are highly inaccurate and only test for any corona virus at best. They do not test specifically for covid-19 and so will show positive even for the common cold. Secondly, regardless of what a patient dies from, if they test positive their death certificate will state covid-19 as cause of death even if it was not. They are also testing the already deceased and amending death records. The numbers are grossly overstated. Mortality rates have not increased above the average for any affected country. This is a scam people. A campaign of fear to confuse, exert control and centralise wealth and power. Do the research and find out for yourself it's all out there.

  11. Anonymous could just be created by one of the same people who own the media channels. This virus might be fake and anonymous tries to make out it opposes the mainstream narrative but states it does think the virus is real. This would actually give more credibility to the virus as it now comes from both the mainstream and an opposing viewpoint. Well heres my third view point: this virus still could be fake.

  12. Can anyone tell the truth about the source of virus !! Many romours are spreading but i want to listen the truth about the virus from u guys

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