Ori和盲人森林-公告预告片-Nintendo Switch

尼贝尔森林快死了。在一场强烈的风暴席卷了一系列毁灭性事件之后,Ori必须勇于寻求勇气并面对黑暗的克星,以拯救尼贝尔森林。 “奥里与盲人森林”获得了多个著名奖项,讲述了一个年轻的孤儿的故事,该故事是由Moon Studios精心制作的,视觉上令人赞叹的动作平台,讲述了英雄的故事。 《 Ori and the Blind Forest》以手绘艺术品,精心制作的动画角色表现,精心编排的乐谱以及《定义》中的数十个新功能为特色,探索了关于爱与牺牲的深刻情感故事,以及我们中存在的希望所有。

了解有关Ori和盲林的更多信息! https://bit.ly/2mtcUf3

#OriAndTheBlindForest #NintendoSwitch#任天堂

订阅更多任天堂的乐趣! https://goo.gl/HYYsot

访问Nintendo.com以获得最新信息! http://www.nintendo.com/


  1. Can someone speak to how difficult this game is to play? I am not great at video games.

    Example 1: Unravel Two was super fun, but I definitely needed people to step in to help me beat some areas due to lack of mechanical skills.

    Example 2: Overcooked 2 is a great game, but I usually can only get 2 stars and not 3 stars.

    Will this game be too hard for me? Thanks.

    (Background: Until I bought a Switch in November 2019, I had not played video games since the Super NES when I was a kid in the mid-1990s.)

  2. I know everything on this game and there a BIG problems that show they use HAXXXXX for the trailer…at 0:48 Ori use Kuro’s feather … and he is now supposed to have the feather at this moment of the game because he grab it 2 hours of casual gameplay later (and 20 minutes for a player that have finish the game 1 time before )

  3. i uhh
    didn't really care about this game until an employee at Game UK recommended it to me because he knew i liked hollow knight.
    i wasn't gonna get it, because it was only on steam or xbox and i don't like pc and i don't have an xbox. so i was pretty upset but i saw this trailer on the nindies direct and i was super excited!!!
    i brought the game last week and completed it a couple days ago. it was AMAZING. i love it so much,,,
    please please please BUY THIS GAME!!! you're not gonna regret it!!!

    …now what do i do while i wait for will of the wisps..?

  4. I beat this on Xbox already and considering buying it on Switch in the future if it goes on sale down the line. Out of curiousity I'm wondering, how long does the demo last and will the save data carry over the full game?

  5. Just seeing the Nintendo Switch and Xbox Game Studios logos together after the trailer just gives me chills. And I mean that in the nicest way.

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