开始使用Google Colaboratory(编码TensorFlow)

想要开始使用Google合作实验室吗?在软件工程师Coding TensorFlow的这一集中,Jake VanderPlas准确细分了开始使用Colab所需的条件。 Colaboratory是一个免费的Jupyter笔记本环境,无需设置,并且完全在云上运行(编写,运行和共享代码)。观看以了解更多信息,并订阅以获取有关下一个Colab系列剧集的通知,该剧集着重于TensorFlow在Colab中的使用!

Google Colabs:一种学习和使用TensorFlow博客文章的简单方法→https://bit.ly/2CR7vTr

Google Colab常见问题解答→https://bit.ly/2B6UFjO


订阅TensorFlow YouTube频道→https://bit.ly/TensorFlow1。

  1. So awesome for education. Can follow along and try out your own projects without needing a Master's degree, patience, and 36 hours to blow to get the environment set up right.

  2. And here were I suffering in the search of a suitable distribution of this for several less technical clientes in order to replace excel and sheets forever.

  3. Hi all, can someone help me? I don't want this program. I do not see anyway to "disconnect from my Google Drive." Can someone please tell me how to do so?

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