加快绘画速度-道格·科尼格(Doug Koenig)的摄影技巧

冠军手枪射击手道格·科尼格(Doug Koenig)介绍了他如何从皮套上拉制手枪以加快射击比赛的速度,并练习了可用来提高绘制速度的例程。 (NSSF视频)

在追踪频道或在线(http://dougkoenig.com/doug-koenig-championship-season/)上观看道格·科尼格(Doug Koenig)的冠军赛季。

NSSF YouTube:http://YouTube.com/TheNSSF

访问NSSF网站:http://nssf.org #LetsGoShooting #NSSF。

  1. I see I'm not the only one who thought the video shoot was horrible, get someone else to do it next time, the end result was not really useful as you're describing things we can't see, didn't even finish watching.

  2. I love the fact that you aren't OVER DOING the forward press motion. People teach to bring the gun to your chest, and then make a long deliberate forward press. But, when they actually draw, it looks NOTHING like that. I understand that you need to work hard not to "bowl", or "fish" as you're acquiring your sights, but most people make the forward press look pretty ridiculous. lol Great video!!! I've just recently bought myself a shot timer, and have been working on this very thing. On my first day, I had my times go from 2.2 to 1.4. I wanna get down to the 1.0 sec mark. I like my holster a little forward on my hip, with a slight rearward(negative) cant. Hardly anyone teaches this, but it feels very comfortable, and natural to me. Any thoughts on that?

  3. Please show your draw with a standard holster, not a speed holster. Any advice on using a standard holster is much appreciated since most shooter are using them.

  4. I agree with the comments. Doug was short and to the point clearly describing what he looks for and practices but the cameraman dropped the ball.

  5. Agree with you Ken…both as a photographer, educator and someone in training. Help us out Doug! Redo this video and consider showing the gun and the holster work!

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