超级马里奥派对-发射预告片-Nintendo Switch

准备参加Mario Party系列的最新游戏吧!粉丝们喜欢的原始4人马里奥派对系列棋盘游戏模式又回来了!您可以在80种全新的迷你游戏中玩耍,同时可以在各种模式(例如声场,河流生存,Toad的娱乐室,合作伙伴聚会和挑战之路)中进行游戏。在线五个迷你游戏中测试您的技能,这是在线Mariothon中的第一个系列。随时随地通过Nintendo Switch玩超级马里奥派对!

超级马里奥派对现已开始! https://goo.gl/Dbf43B

#NintendoSwitch #SuperMarioParty

订阅更多任天堂的乐趣! https://goo.gl/HYYsot

访问Nintendo.com以获得最新信息! http://www.nintendo.com/


  1. I've played this game.
    It's very fun if ya got a sibling or a friend around..
    I play this with mah bro.
    It's very fun…but I've got a problem….when you play the partner Mario party or just the Mario party then the robots who play they win a lot… Sometimes you/we win..

    Please don't judge or hate.. it's my opinion

  2. 2020
    Si o si *
    Mario Maker 2
    Super Smash Bros Ultimate
    Le voy a dar una oportunidad *
    Super Mario Party
    Captain Toad
    Accesorios *
    Pro Controller Xenoblade
    Dos Cargadores originales

  3. Nintendo i have a complaint please make pull it together way easier in salty beach only like 10 people have actually beat it theres some ways on youtube but it makes your hand bleed

  4. Why can’t anyone play this game in the handheld Modus? Please Update!! I really want to play this anywhere i want in the handheld Modus.

  5. Hey don’t got friends no problem For example I’m playing this on Christmas with my son. Can’t wait til he unwraps this awesome cool game

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