
赶上今天与冠状病毒战斗中发生的一切。 。

  1. The News Seen Here ✔
    Before Anywhere Else:

    Breaking news:

    Kim Jong-un identified as the one who released the COVID19 Bioweapon has been assassinated ✔

  2. The method of diagnosing is suspicious.

    How they label a "covid death" is suspicious.

    How they responded to a suspicious premise is suspicious.

  3. Lies covid isn’t real it’s bullshit if it’s so real why are they telling people that’s dying from cancer calling it covid I don’t know any one who has the shit but I do know someone that died from cancer and called it covid bullshit

  4. Stay safe, stay home, wash hands, keep social distance, wear a mask, clean counters, door knobs and other surfaces. Until there is a vaccine no one is safe. We have a corona virus crisis and a climate crisis. Both need to be addressed. Respect science and scientists. Beware of snake oil salesmen and con men. Elect leaders that believe in science.

  5. The death counts goes down because places shut down and many stay at home which is easy to understand and of course the numbers will go down. But the Governors who are more concerned about how they themselves will look if their economy tanks put on their fake faces and try to make people believe they have the Virus under control as if they rounded the virus up and are holding it back with their magical Governor powers. The Less than intelligent Governors see that they have more beds to hospitalize people and more than enough ventilators open their States back up because they want to be able to brag about how they saved their economy when re-election comes. They pretend to be concerned about people dying while their real concern is serving themselves. They open their states back up allowing the death toll to rise until the hospitals fill to capacity. While all this happens they give there little speeches acting concerned about the citizens. They talk about the death toll rising and blame the citizens when actually it is the Governors fault for allowing things to be opened back up. If these greedy self serving Governors were concerned about the citizens they would keep their states on lockdown until a Vaccine was created and available for public use. They all should resign.

  6. Cult leader of death fears in the house, with his propoganda.


    What they are doing is truly wicked. The only way to combat this evil these people about. Is to cry out to Jesus. Turn from your wicked ways to Jesus Christ. He's the only way to be free.

  7. Trump was Borned and raised from a KKK Klan and Racist family. He is very skillful in cover up his lies and failures, and he takes no accountabilities. His farther, who dressed in white KLan entire was arrested for refused to disperse at KKK gathering. The most powerful KKK leader endorsed Trump in 2016. Many conservatives sue and blame China and WHO to divert attention to cover up our Trump’s failures. Most Americans hate the Chinese anyway, because they’re doing better than us. China was surprised by the new virus and maybe they didn’t know how to react at first, but they did extreme lockdown to control the virus and able to lift all lockdown within two months.

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