
白宫新闻秘书凯里·麦肯尼(Kayleigh McEnany)谈到特朗普政府在各州重新开放后对冠状病毒和经济的反应。

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Bret Baier的特别报道:http://video.foxnews.com/playlist/longform-special-report/
玛莎·麦卡勒姆(Martha Maccallum)的故事:http://video.foxnews.com/playlist/longform-the-story-with-martha-maccallum/
英格拉姆角(Ingraham Angle):http://video.foxnews.com/playlist/longform-the-ingraham-angle/


  1. Why is the media bent on always painting the situation negative. Its like saying to these clowns, "hi there good morning", and them responding, "well its not a good morning, its a bad morning and please tell us why Trump made this morning a bad morning". Good God how do these miserable creeps sleep at night?
    Thank God Kayleigh Mcenany has great positive comebacks. Shes a sharp cookie. ?

  2. That the aid bill contained money for the Kennedy Center (which does nothing for society but hold soirees for the liberal glitterati) is an outrage. Was it taking advantage of a crisis? Heavens, no…

  3. america, look at your huge confirmed cases, you are the thief who is yelling catch the thief which is ironic, you are the coronavirus source, according to your figures do you really believe the virus only has been spreading your country for 2 or 3 months? it at least half a year, you spreaded it to China and China found it, report it, you irresponsible, despicable kids.

  4. Why ? The dems planed the virus:
    Quote from german BND=CIA secret strategy paper how to deal
    with the virus:
    “To get the real shock effect you have to clarify the direct
    impact of the infection on society;1)a lot of very sick people will not be
    heldped by the doctors because the ic s are full and they have to go home and
    die at home a sloly of suffocation. Suffocation is for men a primal fear. A
    situation where you can not help your loved ones being under lifethread is also
    a primal fear.2)..children can get infected very easy by neighbour children.
    When they infect there parents than, and one of the parents die dreadfully at
    home and the childrenget the feeling that they are guilty of killing there
    parent, because they dit not wash their hands after playing with the neighbour
    kids.3 )consequentional damage: backlashes can end deadly,through hardattack or
    pneumonia because the virus sneaks into hard or lung. This may be singel
    incidents, but it will be allways like a sword of Damokles above there heads.
    They also get very tired next years like the survivers of the sars 1 virus had
    report. This is the same with covid-19 . Of course we can not estimate that
    now. Historical you have got to
    argue the formula: 2019 = 1919 + 1929“

  5. What the hell, am I in the wrong channel? This guys are morons. They ask again something she just answered along with the other answer. And no, the briefings are not a mistake. The people wanna hear what he says, straight from the horse mouth. Because we can't trust the media. They'll quote him out of context, made up stuff or flat out lie. Whatever he has to say, good or bad, clever or dumb, I wanna hear it from the source, not "he said"

  6. 2 Americans died of Ebola: They said Obama should resign.

    4 Americans died in Benghazi: They had Hillary testify for 11 hours, held 33 hearings, and launched a multiyear probe.

    Trump might come in at less than 200,000 Americans dead: They cheer.

    That’s how cults work.

  7. The briefings have been great for the American people. This has been the most transparent president in many decades and I have found the briefings to be very interesting informative, and even entertaining at times. Trump/Pence 2020!!!

  8. Media always trying to make President look bad, how about being positive about future. Media sound so ignorant. Democrats are a waste, won’t help people. They think this makes Trump look bad.

  9. Oh my gosh…1 million cases in a country of 0ver 300 million people . Let us shut the entire country down. How many cases were actually covid deaths. Well google it yourself. The MEDIA is a bunch of LIARS.

  10. I absolutely love seeing our President Trump on the daily briefings. Every time I see him, my respect grows exponentially. He’s is the most transparent president ever!

  11. The key for trump to beat joe Biden is just have campaign rally’s and fight the Biden campaign and the democrats and the deep state and most importantly fight the media because the media is joe Biden’s number one agenda

  12. Unfortunately the democrats are using the corona virus to there political advantage to help joe Biden win this election so trump needs to fight the media because the media is the Biden campaign number one agenda and top political weapon to make president trump look bad

  13. COVERT 19 was just the first stage of a diabolical deception ~~ once they theoretically get people to receive their vaccine, YOU THEN HAVE THE METALLIC NANOPARTICLES TO BE FRIED/ MICROWAVED BY 5g exposure, and IT KILLS ANIMALS AND PLANTS , TOO ! The GATES GENOCIDE PLAN HAS NO ACCOUNTABILITY WHATSOEVER, just like the polio vaccine in INDIA, 2011,paralyzed/killed about 50,000.

  14. Kaleigh is as Sharp as a tack! She knows her numbers. Sharp memory! Knows what is happening in the administratiin, the country and the world as she speaks. Knows How to speak to FAKE News Millenial Reporters – she is a mellinial herself – and The whole spectrum of the Fake News Media. And zings them right back with an answerr with information to the American people and sarcasm and hit back and trounce of the opposition, all in one swoop sentence!

  15. If she's complaining that Pelosi doesn't want the money going to corporations then she's exactly right! I thought her job was press secretary. Just like her predecessor, she's no more than another Fox News contributor!

  16. Best Thing we can DO… Is. 1st.. Next election… Boot them Dems OUT.. 2nd.. NEVER vote for them baby killers again.. Unless you really LOVE KILLING babies.. Dems have GAVE.. MOTHERS DAY.. A new definition.. Mothers who have an ABORTION are BABY KILLERS

  17. What is unacceptable is all the big corporations taking the money 1st . And trump calling the virus a hoax and not wanting to do anything about it until March

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