
尽管人们有患冠状病毒的危险,但越来越多的州将在本周开始重新开放。在加利福尼亚州,尽管仍然有在家中待命的命令,但人们在周末仍然拥挤海滩。在佐治亚州州长一项有争议的决定之后,一些企业现在向客户开放。马克·斯特拉斯曼(Mark Strassmann)报告了全国封锁的状态。 。

  1. The thing is is that life will get back to normal. Everyone is wising up that covid19 is mostly bs and that it no more dangerous than the flu. It wasn't a real pandemic. A real one would be like the bubonic plague. Who was right all along in regards to the level of threat to the world. Minor except for the economic ramifications which were caused by the government and the media, two evils of which the former is necessary but not the latter.

  2. I cannot begin to express my disappointment in these not so United States. Division has never been helpful to recovery or progress. It is like the mentality from before the Civil War never left, "I will do what I want for my sake." ??

  3. I saw a clerk at a burger shop on TV. The guy was sweating all over forehead and 1 customer didnt have a mask on. eieeieee, I got all my top ramen and maybe the safest way to eat as of now. I DONT MIND HAVING A YEAR LONG TOP RAMEN DIET UNTIL THIS OVER….

  4. A hair dyed Richard Engel provided an interesting aspect to this
    virus pandemic in parts of Europe, mainly Sweden, that Mr. Engel’s hair is dyed
    adds nothing to his report though that does not persuade those that falsely
    claim it does, adds zero to the validity to the seriousness of his report, but
    all things being considered, may add a comedic spin, as it was presented on MSNBC’s
    11th Hour with Brian Williams. Anyway, about Sweden, where strict
    measures have not been initiated to fight the virus but a policy of ‘herd
    immunity’, which allows a certain number of the general population to become
    infected with the virus with the hope that they will soon become immune. And
    thus avoiding a general outbreak among the rest of the population, except for
    those unlucky souls who ripen with the infection, do not become immune, get
    sick and die, so much for the hope of the rest of the herd, bathed in
    fraudulency that has gone on to waste in that human ranch in the sky along with
    what I assumed was consumed  herded

  5. Great to see people claiming their freedom despite the press wanting the crisis to continue. The press have demonstrated to be the enemy of The People.

  6. They need to identifiy specific strains per region. There 30 of them. Just because you had it doesnt mean you wont get it again.

  7. So why exactly can stores like wal mart and target ok , but smaller businesses can't be open . I don't get it

  8. Good luck I guess.
    But keep in mind, this virus has been circulating for longer and in more areas than we thought because carriers can be asymptomatic, continue to practice as much social distancing and clean hygiene as possible.
    With warm weather coming, I'm not sure how much control people have over air conditioners, but if possible try to lower the fan speed, seems to spread the virus across large rooms.

  9. Why the news media never report on the people who have survived the virus. They only want to talk numbers of getting vs deaths. They should focus on happy part of virus too. ?

  10. If Corona was that deadly then people would not be risking their lives. People our catching on to the bull from the media and politicians. We have to live our lives. We are not stupid. If your high risk. Stay home. If you want….

  11. Fear Monger News at its finest. ?‍♂️ 965K “reported cases”. 54K “reported deaths”. ? Mm hm! Don’t even believe people that actually died of Corona was even Corona driven in most cases. This is a colossal conspiracy to inject fear to the public which is working to a T in NYC. Also to cripple the economy. Next year, that POS Corona vaccine will very likely be mandatory & what should happen to the smart people that reject that toxic vaccine? Hm? This sh!t is a prelude to cashless society & the chip.

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