Monster Prom:XXL-公告预告片-Nintendo Switch

距舞会只有3个星期,而且您还没有约会。但这没关系,因为在您高中时,其他所有人也是如此!这些是进入Monster Prom的垫脚石:XXL-Monster Prom的捆绑版,内容填充版,这是一个有四名参与者的竞争性约会模拟游戏,会让您思考:我从来不知道我是那个人!

#MonsterProm #NintendoSwitch




  1. This game is made for couch co-op. My friends and I had a blast playing it together on Steam, sabotaging each other's dates, debating which animal would make a good president or some nonsense to determine turn order, fighting over who got to sit at which table, and ultimately all failing to get a prom date 90% of the time… Brings back memories :')

  2. Another stupid game from the switch, a console that's much higher in value then any other and we get these disappointing games? If only nintendo focused on it's true values and more iconic series… More mario, donkey kong, starfox, pikmin, metroid, banjo, conker games would of made them billions and every nintendo customer a happy camper. Instead we get vending machine games like this garbage. I wouldn't pay a dollar for this game.

  3. im just going to tell you this all now, this game is SUPERRRRRRRRRRR FUNNY it has a ton of dark twisted and funny af humor that you will love, my friend and I have played it on steam since it original came out and its such a fun party game xD

  4. You what’s funny I didn’t know about this game until today when I watch Miles and Kyle from Roosterteeth play this on Backwards Compatible and then I watched this trailer

  5. Me: You know, it's been a while since I've played Monster Prom, and I haven't checked out the DLC yet, and maybe I should log on to Steam and buy the-

    Nintendo: Monster Prom's coming to Switch with all the DLC included.

    Me:…You know what, on second thought, I can wait.

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