
独家预览《 SHIELD第七季》特工的官方预告片,该片将于5月27日晚上10点首映。在ABC上进行ET / PT。在漫威电影的第七个也是最后一个赛季中,库尔森和SHIELD特工在时间上倒退并滞留在1931年的纽约市。全新的Zephyr随时都可以设置为跳时,因此团队必须急着找出发生的确切情况。如果它们失败了,那就意味着对世界的过去,现在和未来的灾难。


  1. Question is agents of shield following the mcu timeline in which avengers had the 5 year jump between infinity war and endgame or is it picking up straight after season 6

  2. "Change the past to rescue the future"

    How??? I thought changing the past would lead into an alternate timeline like avengers endgame explained.

    Useless the timelines merge someone like how cap showed up old at the end of the movie.

    Useless the show is just throwing all of that into the trash

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