
大家好,今天我们又回来了一个非常特别的插曲,即Scrap Mechanic Survival Trailer的发行!我通常不会进行开发人员评论,但很多人都要求提供此视频,因此,这是我对生存的印象以及我希望不久的将来能看到的视频!

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由Kevin MacLeod(https://incompetech.com)
许可证:CC BY(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

#scrapmechanic #kangaming。

  1. I am curious to see survival when you upload a survival video because I don't even have enough specs to run scrap mecanic ah just forget this

  2. I think the farmbots will be able to destroy everything, but they target the weakest material they can destroy so they can reach the player as soon as possible, which is why you wouldn’t make doors and such out of strong materials, so that the farmbots don’t enter from the wall or something. Chokepoints are important people!

  3. Took some analyzing, and the unrefined resources appear to measure 1x1x7 blocks in size. Logs look to be 3x3x7.

    Multiplayer challenge of building a basic vehicle to collect and transport unrefined resources. Can not weld or use lift to place resources on vehicles, and must collect at least 12 resources or each type.

  4. At 6:00 it looks like the tires are visually different from each other as well. Lots of detail. Freakin Axolot basically made Scrap Mechanic 2.

  5. Couple notes: One machine seems to break down scrap into raw materials. The guns looked to be the same just with single/double/triple barrels, meaning the base gun is upgradable. The trap that falls on the farmbots possibly shows that kinetic impacts are destructive, or that "spike" parts must exist. I'm really hoping to see a "scaling" option when crafting structural part shapes, because some of the building features look like smaller parts that have been enlarged.

  6. I'm not an expert or anything but I'm pretty sure the thing the character throws is an glowstick Edit: Scrapman thought it was a hand grenade or grenade too.

  7. 5:10 it is an upgrade thingy. You start with low level wheels seats and stuff and with this you can upgrade them. You can see low level wheels at 1:25 and higher level wheels at 1:45 on the left vehicle. I saw in a old devlog or tweet that there would be 5 levels but they might’ve changed that.

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