无缝的Google Street View全景图

在我们的研究博客https://research.googleblog.com/2017/11/seamless-google-street-view-panoramas.html中,我们介绍了Google Research开发的一项新技术,用于生成无缝的Google Street View全景图。使用我们的技术可以很好地删除Google Street View上许多现有的拼接工件。 。

  1. its been a almost a year since this new technique is implemented in google street view photos but i am still having same artifacts issues with street view 360 panoramas. i am using latest version and feel it needs more improvements

  2. Congratulations, it looks really great! As other have said, just get it into the Google Camera app now 🙂

  3. Will the Street View (and Google Camera) app for Android be updated with this algorithm to improve in-phone image stiching?

  4. Really impressive tech and a great improvement on the original stitches, though you can see where it struggles with low-contrast images in the shutter door of the TM Lewin Express store.

  5. Really interesting. You say algorithm, but have you considered using machine learning for the stiching?
    Nevertheless great work with the algorithm! Hope it rolls onto the phone panoramas as well.

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