8.3 BUFFS和NERFS! Shadowlands BETA和War3残酷

新的8.3 buffs和nerfs对腐败产生了影响! Shadowlands BETA比您想象的要早,嘿,War3的愤怒是真实而公平的。当我们进一步进入8.3补丁时,我们开始积累的效果已经变得有些失控,因此我们得到了8.3腐败增益的第一波巨浪和更多8.3腐败nerf,只要所有这些都在下一次重置中获得。您知道,除了收益电话信息之外,我们即将获得《魔兽世界》的测试版,现在您可以在抽搐中将《魔兽世界》视为游戏类别。此外,我们对整个锻造或更好的《魔兽争霸3》或《魔兽争霸3》退还的款项有所感触,因为我们确实想知道这将如何影响哇的未来。所有这一切,以及仅在MarcelianOnline(wownews的最佳地点)上提供的更多信息:)




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  1. so you are trying to tell me that the dumb 8.3 patch will stay more 6-7 months ? this is content threw which you can run for 2 weeks and that including the 1 week vacation 😀

  2. "We have to test the shit out of this"; honestly, it's been demonstrated that no matter how much we test and give feedback, they can feel free to ignore it. What we do doesn't matter, all that matters is if they choose to listen. So while I appreciate your enthusiasm I can't say I have any faith in them.

  3. How can a user know better than a creator? You must stop asuming that the creator is not using. Its pure logic, you come up with an idea of a pen, i use the pen, i know better how the pen works just because i write with it?

  4. My Pala tank already sims for 38k dps without having any of the hp scaling corruptions nor streaking stars. Can't wait to get them so i do more than 45k single target as tank lulw

  5. I pre-ordered Reforged, then refunded it a few weeks ago. I had a feeling in the back of my mind something was going to go badly wrong following the delay in release, and lo and behold. Real shame as I was wanting to play WC3. Oh well.

  6. Titanforging didnt make scrub dps gods though corruption is giving people unearned dmg from a passive shit system idk how anyone likes this shit XD

  7. Finally you said something about War 3 refunded. Sad though that this happened even Microsoft didn't fuck up that much with the first AOE DE although it took them one year to fix after release but AOE 2 DE was a great success. They learned from the first mistake Blizzard ….. they make excuses. At least they could have reduced how much the game costs but charging 30 dollars for that is a no no. I think this is the end of Blizzard that we loved and the they start to look more like Activision with each day it passes

  8. Corruption is WORSE than titanforging. Titanforging it was like "oh neat a random upgrade". This system is "oh look I got %effectiveness from mastery when it's my worst stat and my guild mate got echoing void. Fck this bs RNG"

    Also, we "feedbacked the shit out of" BFA and they did NOTHING. So…

  9. Well with all the mess of the corruption system balancing, wc3 and the earnings call showing that their main profits and engagement is in mobile content is all the signs we need to read and not ignore.

    I really want shadowlands to be great, but the reality will be great visuals, but very buggy systems unbalanced, grindy, timegated, unfinished, shallow content, no new class, maybe some broken promises here and there.

    At this point the PTR is completely pointless as a testing mechanism, seem to be just for high end guilds to prepare.

    For sure there will be much more mobile content in blizz future its just economical sense.

    Its called shadowlands because dark days are ahead for warcraft fans.

  10. My main problem is they keep taking GREAT things from us and adding nothing better in their place.
    They KNOW EVERYONE wants class sets from raiding, more talents/class development, more pvp stuff, less RNG etc.. And they keep working around that but not bringing those things back. I'm sure is not easy to please everyone man.. but there are A L O T of people asking for things since forever and they are not doing anything to address that. Things like character customatization.. I HOPE they add interesting options and ALOT of them, there is no reason to hold back, if they are doing that they better give us amazing things. We deserve better.

  11. Description of ian acting a bit like he is better cause he leads the dev team, absolutely agree! It's why I left for all of bfa, just now coming back to give it another chance.

    Almost like blizzard is all about politics and company image now. Knock it off blizzard! Make wow lich king quality again!

    Awesome video thanks for all u guys do!

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