致命预告2-发布日期公告预告片-Nintendo Switch


谜团始于7/10,仅在Nintendo Switch系统上!


#DeadlyPremonition2#DP2 #NintendoSwitch

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  1. So, after listening to the lyrics a couple of times, I wonder if this game will focus more on York and Zach's past personal problems, maybe about how lonely they are due to their job as agents and how much they have sacrificed in their pursuit.

  2. Swery is back with my boy Zach BAYBAY ☕
    I did not expect that but I love to see it ?

    Now I need a Relase Date for No More Heroes 3 and Cuphead + DLC (Physical)
    With Cyberpunk in September this year could actually be pretty spicy ?

  3. I still don't understand why this game got a sequel. Everybody who played it and DIDN'T hate it only liked it because it was hilariously awful. Is Deadly Premonition essentially the Sharknado of video games? If that really is the case, then I fully support this game, haha.

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