
科学家在寻找疫苗的道路上面临道德困境。福克斯新闻医学撰稿人珍妮特·内谢瓦特(Janette Nesheiwat)博士发言。

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Bret Baier的特别报道:http://video.foxnews.com/playlist/longform-special-report/
玛莎·麦克卡勒姆(Martha Maccallum)的故事:http://video.foxnews.com/playlist/longform-the-story-with-martha-maccallum/
英格拉姆角(Ingraham Angle):http://video.foxnews.com/playlist/longform-the-ingraham-angle/


  1. Omg! Are they becoming insane. Also, she said that a vaccine takes 12 to 15 years for the FDA to approve it. When all we have heard for the last three months that its possible to have a positive outcome of a vaccine within one year to a year and a half. What h e double L is going on. This is morally unacceptable. To inject a vaccine into people that may die from it. I hope to he** it isn't what Fauci is talking about today in a news conference with the President. It would be completely unacceptable.

  2. The pecid and chloroquine don't work when you are in the cytokine storm, which your body fights itself. They work on the viral replication phase, only. They need to be administered at the first sign of symptom or even before the the symptom shows before you are admitted into an ICU ventilator. Either drug is useless when you are intubated in ICU.

  3. Dr Fauci, Gates, Nasty Pelosi, Biden, Schiff, Hell-ery, etc should be vaccinated and we would like to see if they turn black just like the 2 chinese men did in Africa who took the vaccine.

  4. I live in the uk Oxford university have got a vaccine already trying it out on 500 people which kills the corona19 inside the human body should make millions of copys by sept professors very confident we got a cure being massive news in the uk the goverment given oxfords university 20 million to develope it

  5. Our own immune systems are sufficient to combat any virus, bacteria, etc. that enters our body. To rely on these liars who think they are going to solve the world's problems is to be enslaved to them.

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