


  1. Imagine having such a simpleand sad life that you NEED to believe that there are countless people amd huge global orgabisations who are specifically targeting you and your silly couple thousand group of "friends. Not only that but imagine fantasising about being so amazingly good that a a squadron of snipers doesn t wipe your whole shitty cult in a week. This is the result of telling your citisens they are the best and most important. They will believe that and nothing else. America the land where dreams come true because half the population s biggest dream is buying a cart of twinkies and chugging them for freedom.

  2. Wait, the people are all there rallying for different causes…. whether it be 5G, "freedom", government control, for a breath of "fresh" air outside their homes, and a slew of other conspiracy theories…I'm sure they don't all agree with each other. It's more like Rebel against anything and everything if it doesn't agree with me mindset.

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