THE PRODIGY官方预告片(2019)

Miles怎么了?埃米莉·罗斯(Emily Rose)的驱魔人制片人带来了一种新的难以想象的恐怖景象。在2月8日上映的电影中,观看泰勒·席林(Taylor Schilling)和杰克逊·罗伯特·斯科特(Jackson Robert Scott)主演的《神童》的完整预告片。#WhatsWrongWithMiles。

  1. Interesting premise, a psychopathic child but without any of the usual supernatural elements that typically go along with it in other horror films. Based on the trailer the dynamic between the mother and her son seems to also be very interesting and unique. Hopefully it's good.

  2. Dumbest parents ever. Always has the lights out and dark af in the house. The dad don’t wait till they get to the designation and decide to tell his son he’s taking him to get help while he’s driving there and the kid in the back has a knife ? ?

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