
一场灾难性事件摧毁了文明几千年后,人类适应了气候变化,一种新的生活方式得以发展。巨大的移动城市现在在地球上漫游,残酷地捕食较小的牵引城镇。来自巨大牵引城市伦敦下层的汤姆·纳兹沃西(罗伯特·希恩(Robert Sheehan))在遇到危险的逃亡者海斯特·肖(Hera Hilmar)之后发现自己为自己的生存而战。两个对立的路线永远都不会越过,形成了一个不可能改变的联盟,注定会改变未来的发展方向。

Mortal Engines是由奥斯卡获奖视觉效果艺术家克里斯蒂安·里弗斯(克里斯蒂安·里弗斯(Christian Rivers)(金刚))执导的惊人的新史诗般冒险。霍比特人和指环王三部曲也曾三度获得奥斯卡金像奖电影制片人彼得·杰克逊,弗兰·沃尔什和菲利帕·博因斯的加入。通用和MRC改编来自Philip Reeve屡获殊荣的丛书,该丛书由Scholastic于2001年出版。

制片人包括赞恩·韦纳(霍比特人三部曲),阿曼达·沃克(霍比特人三部曲)和黛博拉·福特(鸡皮ump),以及沃尔什和杰克逊。肯·卡明斯(霍比特人三部曲)和博因斯一起担任执行制片人。环球影业将在全球发行这部电影。 www.mortalengines.com
#MortalEngines #PeterJackson


  1. Why did "Mortal Engines" fail at the theater box office? Many people including me, enjoyed the film. Here's my answer. Mortal Engines came out too late just as this type of youth fantasy sci-fi dystopian genre reached overfill and exhaustion with the general public, especially the young audience who had watched, "The Hunger Games", "Divergent", and similar movies. Had Mortal Engines come out in 2016, it would have met with greater box office success. I read that Peter Jackson began looking at a film theatrical version of the book series. But it took too long, nine years to bring the film to fruition. By then the movie-viewing public had tired of the youth dystopian, sci-fi movie genre. My opinion is that the earlier had ME appeared, the more money it would have made. A 2016 or earlier release would have probably added at least another 100 million to the mere 83 million box office receipts, probably even breaking the 200 mark. In that case, the sequel would have appeared in late 2018 and that is when the series would have run into viewer fatigue with the sci-fi genre.

  2. I just found out about this movie. I thought this movie was going to be about city engines fighting for survival. Instead, it's about London. Boooooring.

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