Solo Raw Gold-第1集|进入黄金模式8.3

在这里,我列出了一些我听说过的独好,实例化的金农场,并对其进行了测试!一旦我有能力列出另一个清单,您就会看到第二集。 :D
/ equipset裸(用设置的名称替换“裸”!)
/ click HelpFrameCharacterStuckStuck(删除炉石!)


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凯文·麦克劳德的Derp Nugget

  1. You can create a custom group, set it to private and when you are done with an instance just leave the group and you will be teleported outside the instance, I do it all the time and I make around 100g a minute in Iron docks 🙂

  2. I noticed if you delete HS and have another one like the Eternal Travel one you don't need to pick the original one up at innkeeper.

  3. In Blackrock foundry i always skip the forge boss, and since i completed the quest, for marks, just unlock the door with touching the stone. In highmaul, i always skip the mountain boss, i find him annoying and tedious

  4. I mean I collect an Anchor weed and I get around 350gold in 1 second I mean this raw gold is really inefficent isnt it??

  5. How on Earth do you get Skyreach done in 3 minutes? The intro animation is a minute, and as far as I can tell just running through the whole place takes over 3:30.

    So, what's the obvious thing I'm missing?

  6. I've started BRF for raw gold. Very accurate on the 7.2k avg gold plus is very easy and can be done while streaming a show/movie . Will try all your other raids from this reset. Hope i have not started too late for the long boy gold farm. I really hope i have the time to get it.

  7. Im only doing pandaria lfr from vaults to lei shen cause its the fastest im skiping soo.. Im doing that on many alts and every run is 6900-7ooo g

  8. Hey! If you're on BRF and killing the final boss too fast (or not fast enough!), just take off your weapons and punch him. You should be able to get to the last platform with punches, kill him with a spell, and jump to your doom when nekkid 😀

  9. For anyone wondering. Now that legion has legacy loot. Emerld nightmare heroic gave me 1700g in about 15min, not a speedrun just normally going through. Normal mode would be faster obv.

  10. Hello . I'm noob
    I wonder what do you mean when you say lfr . I know lfr means looking for raid . But when I'm 120 how can I do them lfr

  11. I just want to add that once you finish the skip quest in mythic BRF, you can do all the bosses except for The Blast Furnace (which is extremely time-consuming), then skip to last boss. This will save you a huge amount of time per run (especially if you do this on multiple characters), in exchange for a little amount of gold.

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