量子错误|公告预告片| PS5,PS4

QUANTUM ERROR是TeamKill Media目前针对PS5和PS4开发的宇宙恐怖第一人称射击游戏。




引擎中生成的所有镜头都是在制品,并不代表最终的游戏或玩法。 。

  1. This shows some promise. However, you guys need to work on the cinematics. The ocean looked good. The island and rocks looked a bit meh.

    Also, why is the protagonist dressed like a fireman? I don't like it. Another concern, the year is 2109 and yet we're supposed to believe people still fly around in blackhawk helicopters?? That's like someone creating a game set in 2020 with WW2 era planes. It does not make sense.

  2. My most waited game ! Seriously you 're bringging back the dark atmosphere to it's true essence . No compromise just intense darkness into we try to make our way .. The life of course 😉

  3. How I miss Dying Light. I was so hype for Dying Light 2. For me this gen best Zombie game for sure n probably best FPS Zombie game ever is Dying Light. Of course I'm talking about FPS Zombie game here. I had such a blast playing that game. The game environment blew me away. When I first play the game n went outside the building n saw the environment.. I was saying to myself. This is the proper next gen game I was waiting for. All before that has some flaws. But this is special.

  4. Thus is gonna have 3D Audio right? I just got Sony's Platinum Headset on sale. Gearing up for PS5 because I know it's gonna be bigger with the audio. I wanna shit my pants playing this. Lol

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