大型新功能+商店即将成为动物的新视野! (切换谣言Datamine更新)

在Switch News中,Switch Update Datamine揭示了新视野中的新动物穿越商店和新功能,它们可能会出现在新视野的动物穿越游戏中!来自switch数据挖掘的Switch Switch谣言暗示了很酷的Animal Crossing更新,New Characters和Shops,带来了New Leaf,Luna和Wendell经营的Dream Suite的功能。与Zach一起,谈论可能由此产生的动物穿越技巧和窍门!您如何看待数据挖掘的新信息,您最喜欢的新功能是什么?让我们知道您对下面的评论感到兴奋!!



尝试Twitch Prime-https://amzn.to/3bt4W9C


?Switch Force商业商店:

  1. wait…. i thought the skin would be actually the same. but the tanooki's look fucked up! thats sooo bad!!!

  2. I want RE-Tail back! Reese and Cyrus make an appearance in the game and i really want them to have a little purple baby ?❤️ I would also love if CJ and Flick opened a shop together on the island and one side was for CJ and the other was for Flick! That would be so cute

  3. Brewsters cafe is all I want. From the old shops. The dream suite was absolutely pointless an was bearly used in new leaf. If there gonna add shops in NH then they need to be new shops.

  4. WAAITT the pictures on the Nintendo stuff redd was showing you ones kinda pixelie so i think the one thats not and more clear is the 600£ one.

  5. KK needs his own venue or one shared with Dr. Shrunk like Club Lol in New Leaf. The way he and the stools take up so much space in the plaza kinda kills me inside

  6. Honestly, it feels like it would be pointless for the dream stuff to only allow you to visit 5 star islands. It would be useless unless you want to get ideas for decorating and that’s it, nothing interesting for anything else or something people want to do other than just walking around other islands made.

  7. This upcoming update isn't that impressive. Nothing about this update seems very appealing. I would rather have quality of life improvements over these kind of updates. Nintendo needs to fix the online for this game first before adding the nonsensical updates.

  8. On my dad's island Red won't leave lmao. He's been there every day which sucks cause it seems to stop other "plaza shops" from happening x.x

  9. I want other fruit than just the pears and coconuts I have and I don’t want to have to pay for an online subscription in order to do that.

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