PS5和Xbox X将强制进行重大升级

PS5和XBox Series X的额外费用将比您想象的要高得多! FPS,升级的SSD,甚至还可以买一台新电视!这一切只是为了让您正确地使用您的新控制台!


购买最新的游戏机从未像购买游戏机那样简单。当然,有一些游戏可以购买,但是我们正在更深入地研究PS5和Xbox Series X所需的所有功能。是的,今天我们在谈论电视。您是否还习惯了4K电视的惊人视觉效果?好吧,准备进入8K的世界。是的,您可能拥有的电视可能尚未投入生产,这就是技术发展的速度。但是,等到索尼和微软最新的游戏机问世时,来自三星和索尼等公司的各种8K电视也会出现。



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  1. imagine being so dumb to recommend an 8k TV for high framerates when game hardware will have a problem delivering high framerates at 4K

  2. Why would I spend 4 grand when I can spend 2 grand on a pc with 240 fps a 240hz monitor a regular Xbox controller and a 80 pound gamer mic with more programs and accesibilities

  3. You’re just as bad as retail workers dude trying to trick people into buying things they don’t even need. 4K is good enough for me and most other people lol.

  4. Bruh even two titan rtx's in SLI struggle to maintain 30 fps in 8k in recent games let alone two consoles equivalent to the 5700 xt, 8k is a waste of money for these

  5. the dreamcast was ahead of its time I mean the the only controller with a screen I had a ps1 n64 nd ps2 nd dreamcast controller to me was better but the only down fall is that the letters were imprinted so when I. would play street fighters my thumb would have a blister the size of the button

  6. not getting VR, 4k tv is all thats necessary, internet upgrade is optional but tbh, who doesn't have internet already it's 2020..
    Extra controller is optional, almost everyone already has decent headphones and isn't about to pay 300 bucks for a new headset.
    if you don't have anything in the first place, you can get a decent setup for about 1500$ not an all elite 8k 4000$ pro gaming setup..

  7. Connections could prove troublesome?
    The entire US is under monopolies from your companies with crappy internet
    You need tears to catch up with the internet in Europe and Asia lol

  8. I think most people upgrade incrementally to be honest. I've had my X for 2 years and only just got round to the 4k TV, yet I was still pretty impressed with Tomb Raider in 1080p graphics.

    In many ways the release of the PS5 could be an ideal time to buy the Pro. A lot of people will keep the PS4 for a while so servers for multiplayer games will stay open and the existing games will look great in 4k HDR. I might not get the 5 or series X for another 2 years.

  9. Shameless infomercial, that's what this is. Samsung TVs really? Where's the router recommendation? This channel is nothing but fluff.

  10. I’m happy with my 1080p Benq projector and 5.1.2 dolby atmos setup with my Xbox One X. I’m waiting for Series X and the successor of Epson TW-9400 for my final setup.

  11. dont listen to this pleb more than half the stuff is wrong and all you need is the console, they didn't even show the right xbox, I was going to be a day one buyer but now Im thinking ill wait a bit

  12. The early design of the PS5 looks like a space toilet. If I took an Ultra Combo #2 will it suck all the stink through the toilet seat vents? Heh

  13. It’s strange I remember listening to my optometrist tell me when I asked about the difference between 4K and 8k television’s and him saying that the human vision isn’t actually acute enough to tell the difference….. funny …… I suppose good ole placebos still make money ….

  14. Well, the thing is that you can just wait till Christmas if either console is released soon(ish) meaning that the prices have the chance to drop same with the TV and etc.

  15. Hello Team – does anyone know if the future of Hololens will be joining the Series X? If so, that’s the console killer MS’s been looking for…!,.

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