
下周将有近20个州以某种方式重新营业。消息传出之际,世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)说关于…的证据不足。

  1. Well if anything has taught us during this covid19/ economic melt down is that the backbone of our economy is all the little people are the ones that keep running. That should give everybody pause… without all us little people the worlds bighest economy comes to a screeching halt..

  2. Antibodies… Ummm maybe. But im Shure this is way way too early…. Imagine if it was a zombie virus, you wouldn't want to go out early would you? In other news I hear JOE BIDEN IS RUNNING FOR US MENS DOWNFALL. His attacks on women and children is well back in the news, and it wasn't his "intention".

  3. Not scared of coronavirus. I'm confident my good bacteria has something to do with my good immune system. Sun helps. I never like antibacterial stuff. Never ran from a virus. Not the chicken pox not the influenza. Always mild and it's been about 7 years since the last one. Drink water y'all. Have orange fruits and veggies. Immune system goes down with fear and stress don't let them. Still respect the authorities and other's people's belief of reality so as not to stress them. Be kind specially to yourself. Don't say negative things to yourself that you wouldn't say to someone you love or even a stranger's face.

  4. Yes there is no need for a full lock down anymore. People need to go out and make money again. Just enforce safety more than anything else. Lock down for two weeks is more than enough to slow down the spread and time for people to adjust their behavior

  5. Don't be afraid Americans. The fear of a virus is worse than disease itself. Don;t be stress out, it is only a different strain of flu virus. So, treat it like a flu if you are positive. Nobody dies from flu unless it advances to pneumonia, and not all pneumonia patient dies ,
    Corona virus is a fragile virus with one thin layer of fat(lipid) and RNA inside. It is not alive like bacterias, but a piece of cell.
    The Facts about this virus :
    1) It melts with any soap; 2) Sunlight(UV) destroys it; 3) it melt away at 76°F..
    So, don't worry too much ,Americans ! You are not going to die unless you neglect yourself.
    Be Brave Americans, The flue season is over, too ! May God bless America and Americans !

  6. So it's going to play out like this for the stupidest people like musk who want usa to reopen so soon give it 45 days after reopening people will be like everything is OK i say 45 cuz that how long until the covid cases skyrocket and they will issue a martial law and for the cry babe out there that are protesting yall with be n camps while I'm at home safe lmao at all the stupid people dieing… U will see

  7. we all act to be the saviours of our planet, and in the name of econmoy we are destroying this beautiful place , there can not be economic development without destruction of the environment. and what are we using this economic development ,only to produce more people and increase population. But the nature has tolerated enough of the people who in the name of protecting it are harming it even worse. corona is the result of the natures action to slow down its destruction from mans over action.

  8. YOU are TOTALLY F****D. Yep America is the GREATEST Graveyard in the World. M.AG.A – Make America a Graveyard Again! I'm so sorry, you are all going to die!

  9. Ima hairstylist an people are already dirty asf / cheap . I’m not going back to work ! Now the world see how much they need the little people ! An they think ima go back to work an just take my chances nope ! Finding a new job ! Ain’t no way this is just OVER an no one has even heard of this virus a month ago ! Be smart people. Believe me I’m bored asf being in the house too . BUT MY LIFE MEANS MORE TO ME ! Let the people who wanna get out get out they will see !

  10. Multi-hour press conferences ? Really? You are complaining about long press conferences? Every press conference I have seen , I have seen so called reporters, asking stupid questions over and over again.Then at the end of the press conference as they are all filing out. The "reporters" are still yelling out stupid questions. If you want it to be shorter how about asking good precise questions that get to the point rather than always trying to ask Gotcha questions. You Reporters are SCUM. Totally not credible either.

  11. Are we still believing what the WHO says? Haha seriously. Good move on Trump for halting funding to the WHO

  12. I’m pretty sure the state I live in Wyoming has been open this entire time and it’s mostly people’s choice in here and it’s the same a lot wanna stay home but others still crowding lakes over here etc so idk how this is helping the virus to go away some people have weak immune systems

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