英雄联盟荒野裂谷(LoL Mobile)十大最强大冠军

英雄联盟荒野裂谷(LoL Mobile)十大最强大冠军

[email protected]

  1. UPDATE: A lot of people don't know but every champion thats in League of Legends won't be in this game. These are just powerful champions that are actually confirmed to be in the game.

  2. hi i will post your video to my page if you want. i will give your channel link in the descriptions so my follower can easily track your channel and subscribe. reply here if you don't want and i delete .

  3. Well I will use ur tips in LOL cos after DOTA 2 I went in MLBB and now I am gonna try LOL hope its better than MLBB and I still wanna know why LOL is coming in Mobile since PC games contents more money kinda weird ….and bro its champions not heroes

  4. as a summoner, I'm kinda disappointed by this video.
    Master yi is so weak. realtalk.(depends on the user)
    garen's passive is increased healing while out of combat. not life steal.
    Jinx's passive is not only on kills. It activates on assists, tower downs if she hits it within 3 seconds before it dies/destroyed
    Fizz is a mage/assassin
    Ezreal is a marksman and it's his 1st skill that reduces his other abilities' cd
    she's a MAGE. Can also be a support who steals your kills. And she's seldom used as a support. She's often used as a midlaner coz of her high damage abilities including her 1shot 5kill laser beam

    and btw, your list is kinda inaccurate coz compared to other champions who aren't listed on your video, there are far more higher tiered champs in league but also require higher skills
    champs are strong if used properly
    and btw it's champions not heroes
    and please, don't compare ml to league,
    ml is a baby compared to league

  5. If you guys want to get higher rank in game just buy and pick zed in solo que becuase his winrate in low elo is unbeatable and his great assassin for deleting adc and btw im challenger tier player in ph and my main is zed with 1m mastery points and my ign: kim minji ph server

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