
英国公众今天将默哀一分钟,向在与Covid 19签订合同后丧生的一线工人致敬。政府已宣布将向因疫情爆发而丧生的医务人员和社会护理人员的家属赔偿6万英镑。 。经过多年的资金不足,现在严重缺乏个人防护设备,这种大流行使英国的国家卫生系统暴露了危机。
美国总统特朗普表示,中国本可以迅速制止Covid 19疫情-并阻止其在全球蔓延。他说,美国正在进行认真的调查-建议华盛顿可以就这种病毒造成的经济损失寻求赔偿。他的通报还着重于重新开放企业和学校的举动-这个问题使联邦政府与州长不合,最终导致公众的信息不一。


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  1. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Orange man bad!!! Lmao he didnt even say “hey america inject disinefectant”. He asked the doctors with very vague and ignorant terms. But ofcourse you sad little people will say that he told everyone to inject disinfectant. You learned nothing from having thrown the democratic party into a pit or despair? You know no one I know is voting democrat for a very long time and I’m a minority and I’m not a Trump fanboy, I’m pretty critical about Trump but I’m not the type that conveniently lies to myself because orange man bad haha.

  2. The UK health care system is certainly NOT buckling and is handling it all very well. Typical german reporter with bias. Underfunding? We have the best health care system in the world and she needs to research before speaking. Not once has it been said our system isn't coping.

  3. Locking children inside for six weeks is physically and mentally unhealthy. Even dogs are walked twice a day. Children build up immunities by playing outside in the natural world.

  4. Trump closed down the "Office of Pandemics" which Obama had set up after the Ebola outbreak. He fired everyone. And for several years he slashed funding to the CDC. Trump used Chinese steel to build his Trump Towers. All his clothing in his and Ivanka's clothing line is made in China. Everything in his hotel rooms are Made in China.

  5. Yes, the infected from 15 will automatically fad away…
    Who say that ?
    When ?
    N now to sway public hmmmm. by pointing blames to others….

  6. The blame game cant resolve this global pandemic. We can learn from Taiwan, Hong Kong and South Korea on disease control mgmt

  7. Watching in Alberta Canada, Some Canadian Doctors have invented a new Mask that is reusable, they have offered the specs free to any country wanting it. Canada is Noe manufacturing these in Mass . I hope All Countries take advantage of this to help protect Front Line workers.

  8. I find it hard to believe that anyone takes what Donald Trump has to say Seriously, He blurts out the most ridiculous and harmful statements. Trump is the pure definition of Psychopathic Narcissistic. He doesn't care about people only his own personal interests. He is beyond Dangerous.

  9. US death toll is getting crazy high. Trump could have stop the massive death tolls currently adding up. Trump stop now please.

  10. Trump is the only one brave enough to point at the source of the wuhan virus. China is responsible for this outbreak and no sovereign country should be afraid to mention it.

  11. Okay, let's see: What about South-Korea, Japan, Taiwan? All these countries were affected by Corona much earlier than the US, which in fact had a lot of time to prepare for Corona. No, no, no!! Although China didn't act perfectly at the very beginning, it's absolutely ridiculous that the US respectively Trump and his right-wing war-mongering Republicans are claiming reparations – ironically they talk of reparations… – what a joke!

  12. No one was prepared. All leaders were useless and should be fired. On the other hand, we elected what we wanted. Many scientists warned us YEARS before! An example is Dr Osterholm on the Oprah Winfrey show. Look it up! He described this pandemic perfectly except that this one's a corona virus and not an influenza virus. All those corona viruses before, SARS, MERS were they perhaps warnings to us? We should have been paying attention.

  13. No one was prepared. All leaders were useless and should be fired. On the other hand, we elected what we wanted. Many scientists warned us YEARS before! An example is Dr Osterholm on the Oprah Winfrey show. Look it up! He described this pandemic perfectly except that this one's a corona virus and not an influenza virus. All those corona viruses before, SARS, MERS were they perhaps warnings to us? We should have been paying attention.

  14. So when Donald trump thinks is alright to make such statement that could possibly kill people and not taking any responsibility from it, but then when China announced about the virus to the world that can kill people and people did not take it seriously at the first place end up losing millions of lives, and now the world needs China to take FULL responsibility..? Whoa, fair game I guess..or NOT! Wake up you selfish, ignorant people!!!

  15. ….regardless of how big a bag of potatoes Trump is, he did not, as the guest claimed tell people to ingest anything. I watch your channel for objective news not the tribal american bullsh*t.

  16. This is exactly what the British people deserve! They voted 4 times in the last 10 years for austerity measures and cuts to their NHS. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me 4 consecutive times, shame on me!

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