5G塔效应蜂,鸟,树和人事实还是虚构 ???

http://ivorganics.com/的生物学家和植物专家Charles Malki与https://www.judyshomegrown.com/的Judy Frankel进行了有关5G(第五代)手机塔的若干研究以及大约电磁场(EMF)(比4G蜂窝塔)强大10倍,它对蜜蜂,鸟类,植物和人的影响。


美国国立卫生研究院的Martin Pall博士说:“ 5G的推出绝对疯狂。

Sharon Goldberg博士在密歇根州5G小型蜂窝塔立法听证会上作证2018年10月4日

5G与健康:佛蒙特州应有的更好-Iishana Artra,PhD


Environmental Health Trust | Information About Cell Phone, Wi-Fi, 5G, and Bluetooth Radiation Science Facts on Health Effects


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一年中任何时候都可以嫁接果树-生物学家和IV有机植物专家Charles Malki

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  1. When sharing this and these types of videos with your friends and family and whoever else you can possibly think of, I would like to suggest doing this; Ask them to read the comment section FIRST. Why? Because the comment section is ABSOLUTE GOLD! It will help get the viewer 'up to speed' with the overall message and primes them for the more detailed information. Also, the number of likes to dislikes speak volumes. What do you think of this suggestion?

  2. I am so tired of it. My friends keep arguing with me that it’s not 5g but the virus that is killing animals and bees. I can’t even send them any more videos on this topic, they just ignore it

  3. I had a pet rabbit that passed away suddenly last week. She was eating a healthy diet with lots of Timothy hay, kale, lots of greens, and occasionally carrots and bananas. Her cage was on the other side of the wall from the Wi-Fi set up. She suddenly died in her cage while sleeping. She wasn’t even 2 years old. We installed 5G in our home so our kids could homeschool during the quarantine. I had no idea it was so harmful. I am gravely concerned here. I live near businesses, that use 5G. If I remove our Wi-Fi, we are still affected by these businesses in close proximity. This is not a good thing. I also have two young children. They are 3 and 5 years old, and have Autism. They have sensory needs, that would be difficult to do without using technology occasionally. Feeling stuck between a rock and a hard place.

  4. I mean that might be the case but I'm sure that even the evil deep state wants to live so what would be the recourse or alternative for the bees or are they just planning to kill everyone including themselves

  5. They been using 5g in war years ago….Im older than most on here STAND UP N RISE.. ..They stopped 5g…over seas WAKE UP….They want to make robots out of us thats why they killing what pollinate…..There go no food

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