《使命召唤®:行动装置》-《 Rust Trailer》曾几何时





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  1. Ign : ArselDave
    Id : 6804321494747840513

    Publishing Waller autoflash bomb after shield cheat and emulator, gameplay recorded and profile viewed. When this cheater changed ign he cant hide while id never change.

    I tried shield trooper once it never autoflash bomb even the item is in the bag or none. Want prove i got video of him doing it

  2. Dear Call Of Duty Mobile My Username On COD Mobile Is TheSkellyYT I Bought The Battle Pass But It Scammed Me So I Want My 20k COD Points Back 🙁 Fix Bugs And Lag Thanks Have A Nice Day.

  3. They say they listened to the community, but I think they have listened more to their pockets, lots for everyone to buy the weapons they could not obtain and later do not open legendary weapons in the lots, the draws at roulette do not take it away and the supplies either. People who are not YouTube, those people who do not make entertainment content as they do not think for those people who cannot spend € 150 on a roulette wheel where there is only one weapon and one skin. It seems to me a shame what they are doing the truth, they are liars who say they listen to the community.

  4. This game is becoming better and better. The new upgrades are really awesome. And I was wondering if there could be any cross play between players who play with external controllers and players who don't use them at all. I will explain why. There is any difference between playing with a joystick or playing with your fingers. If you're a good player you don't really care about using or not any controller or pad. There are so many ppl who can afford a joystick but they just prefer to play with their fingers. There are even comments and reviews from players who just log into a server with a controller and then they play with their hands because it's better for them. To sum up, there is no such a difference. Players with external pads or controllers ain't have any advantage over the others. It's the same thing. I used to play without a controller and I'm telling you, it's the same. Whenever I'm trying to play a ranked multiplayer match I keep waiting and I cannot find any match just cuz I only play with controller support. So, if I invite any other player without a joystick we'll find a server with players who play with fingers so it's the same thing again. So, think about it. Just a main server where players (with or without controllers) can play ranked matches. Or even if it could be any tournament for players with external controllers. That would be awesome too. Just think about it.

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