在FFVII Remake,新屏幕,日文TVCM和PS5之路内! |第010集


在这一集中,Ky和Vyzz打破了最近发行的“ Inside FFVII Remake:Episode 1”纪录片,同时对视频中的新场景发表了自己的看法!在第一部分中,他们还讨论了Square Enix新闻文章,其中包括一些新的和旧的FFVII角色的新角色键盘,Wall Market的屏幕截图等等!在第二部分中,Ky和Vyzz讨论了日本的TVCM,索尼的PS5之路事件以及PS5如何影响FFVIIR系列的未来部分(无剧透!)!在剧集的结尾,他们讨论了亚马逊的发货困境,E3取消以及该游戏NA版本的后箱。与往常一样,非常感谢您的倾听并坚持到底!距数字豪华版GIVEAWAY仅剩两个星期!!如果尚未开始,请查看剧集的详细信息部分,了解如何输入!保持安全健康,kupo!

特别感谢Lily Arciniega在这一集中的音乐!








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  1. Once again, thank you guys for keeping us updated and for making the wait a little more bearable.
    Vyzz I thought for some reason that you were Dutch! I'm not sure why… Do you ever come to Italy? If you find yourself stopping by Milan please let me know, I'll buy you a beer! (once the quarantine is over, that is).

    Btw, because you guys seem to enjoy the music part as much as I do, maybe you'll like this:
    I managed to transcribe the whole Scorpion Sentinel fight sequence. It's incredible how detailed the score is … and it's only the first boss!!
    Just a few more days… just a few more days…

  2. Thank you gentlemen for the podcast.
    For sure trying to look for that silver lining.. and there is. In Italy here and haven't worked for over a month. Life has changed drastically but being at home with my wife and kids non stop has really opened my eyes to what's important. When the game comes out will enjoy it just as am enjoying the family during such rough times.
    Thanks guys! <3

  3. There was SO MUCH to talk about on this episode! It was so fun to record! We really hope you enjoy it! What did you think about the Inside FFVIIR documentary, the new screens and new characters?! Sound off in the comments below!!

  4. This was a fantastic episode – thank you both so much for being a beacon of light in these dark times. ? I loved your description of Madam M, Ky. ?

  5. I'm real curious about the PS5; if I understood the nitty gritty of that not-GDC, I think people are underestimating a lot of aspects because the numbers are lower. It sounds like the plan is to make the console conform to whatever the game wants instead of the other way around. Supposedly the bridge from the SSD to CPU is nearly as fast as from CPU to RAM, which can mean the SSD can act as a large slightly slower RAM stick. Of course it's yet to be seen if this actually works properly.

    As for emulation, to me it sounded like it tries to run old games on their native engine within the chipset, which again if they do it right can mean near 100% compatibility out of the gate without requiring tweaking. There was that article of them testing 100 games and saying most worked, but I don't think it specifically stated they built it to make those work; merely that they started it up and it did work. That does mean there probably won't be as many massive improvements over the PS4 in terms of how backwards compatibility looks, but it could also mean every or nearly every game will just work as is.

    All of that said, I'm not a guru of all things computer or console and I could just be misunderstanding everything the smarter person said. I can say with certainty this podcast is always a good listen, though!

  6. I will leave a like but I have been staying away from FF7R info for about three weeks. I'm going to hold out a little longer and be more surprised when the game hits. I REALLY want to listen though. Love the podcast.

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