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披露-您与我(艾丽莎·杜利特尔堡)(Bicep Remix)





Meaker博士-不要以为是爱(Real Connoisseur Remix)



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  1. Well that certainly makes my skills pretty inadequate! Surely it find a cure for the Covid-19 virus! Vaccine should be ready by morning…right?!

  2. Playing gods huh? Well here's a nice little algorithm for you asian smartasses. Every reasonable human being will tell you humans are worthless prideful mammals. AN NOW PRESENT THIS INFO TO AN AI THAT PREDATES A FUCKING DECADE OF EXPECTATIONS. HELLLLO Skynet.

  3. Ok Google , here's my question :
    Analyze the Talmud , the Bible , the Koran , the Bhagavad Gita &or any other people's religion ; ; In the end , Who Wins ?

  4. So that's why we created haarp just in case we gotta make some hurricanes to short out all the robots when they try to take over now I get it

  5. The guy with hockey ? will be the first victim ?
    9:56 in a few years, robots will watch these "robot abuse" videos and that guy will be in trouble.
    dark soul 3 A.I kicks my ass daily nothing new

  6. Elon is very aware of AI and those of evil intent.
    The guy with hockey ? will be the first victim ?
    9:56 in a few years, robots will watch these "robot abuse" videos and that guy will be in trouble.

  7. There is absolutely no reason to fear current AI. Everything is inside of a computer and does a very specific tast like playing chess or classifying images.

  8. Don't abuse them(robots)
    If after some years robots watch this then they………. us.
    So the guy with hocky is the first????????????????????
    I am confused.

  9. Totally failure by defending us from coronavirus! A I is only reproduce things or thoughts that have been slteady made by humans ,,,, only quicker ! so what! Therefore machines are build!

  10. "AI could be malicious and outwit us." 11:15
    What can possibly go wrong?
    9:56 in a few years, robots will watch these "robot abuse" videos and that guy will be in trouble.
    Elon is very aware of AI and those of evil intent.

  11. "AI could be malicious and outwit us." 11:15
    What can possibly go wrong?
    Elon is very aware of AI and those of evil intent.
    what episode of black mirror is this
    I am really concerned about our future.

  12. The downside of A.I. is that humans have designed it. Do you realise that the human species has DOUBLE LOGIC in its Genome? DOUGLE LOGIC. (Corrupted Logic) has already passed over from humans, into A.I. through design practices and interaction.

  13. AI Technology does not terrify me because of its ability to go rogue, a possibility with no certainty, and able to be mitigated with safeguards. What truly scares me with AI, is that it has the potential to concentrate so much power and wealth to so few people. Anyone who thinks that when the AI revolution occurs wipes out huge swathes of jobs that require humans to work, do you REALLY think those who control the AI will just shrug and start enacting the utopian 'lets all be artists and philosophers' movement? Because anyone who does is incredibly naive. Every time a technology has been created like this, it has resulted in further concentrating wealth and power upwards, with very few exceptions (Like the Internet, and the printing press which did the opposite by alleviating centralized information control). I expect AI will be used to entirely wipe out what remains of the middle class and further shrink the upper class by eliminating most white collar jobs entirely. And leave the haves wealthy and powerful beyond imagination, and the rest of us proles as cheap labor drones. Expendable. If you believe that is not how the elites of our world behave and think, then you need to stop taking the blue pills. That is why AI scares me. Once they don't need to keep us proles on side anymore, we are truly expendable. And once they don't need our bodies working the mines, fields, factories, armies, police, we become a liability.

  14. ok lets forget about Terminator ….now lets remember iRobot?
    Elon is very aware of AI and those of evil intent.
    Get your EMP devices ready.

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