
(由刺客信条(Assassin’s Creed)提供)打造维京突袭者传说。观看刺客信条瓦尔哈拉全球首映预告片!在2020年假期期间进入Xbox Series X和其他平台!

#AssassinsCreed #Valhalla。

  1. Ah yes a viking rpg where we paint raiders who slaughtered populations as the good guys and also completely deviate from the concept of assassins creed until it is unrecognizable apart from the name. Don't forget bugs and lootboxes galore!

  2. Pumped. I've watched Vikings and I've just started watching The Last Kingdom. Hope it gets right into the history and doesn't go too mythical and out there like unicorns and crap. That's lame

  3. "Move silent, blend with nature, fight with style, kill enemy undetected, and that is………."

    Ubisoft : "VIKINGGGGGG"

  4. Long time fan of Assassins creed, I've played since the very first even one of the mobile games, I personally despised Origins gameplay and so I never tried Odyssey.. If someone plays this one comeback and tell me if it's the same so I don't waste my time and money on it.

  5. Why don't Ubisoft get into the Cinema business? I'd rather watch a full AC Valhalla CG film than playing an overly repetitive and buggy game

  6. I enjoy this series… my only gripe is that the games are just way too big now. The maps in particular. When it takes you the better part of an hour to travel the map manually… you're in for a slow as eff slog of a ride.

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