杰里·塞恩费尔德(Jerry Seinfeld):23小时的杀戮官方预告片|奈飞

喜剧传奇人物杰里·塞恩菲尔德(Jerry Seinfeld)带来了全新的脱口秀特别节目:《 23小时杀戮》。这个长达一小时的特别节目展示了Seinfeld在日常生活中的更多尖锐角度。杰里·塞恩菲尔德(Jerry Seinfeld):5月5日,仅在Netflix上杀死流媒体的23小时。

在Netflix上观看杰里·塞恩菲尔德(Jerry Seinfeld)的《杀死自己的23小时》:https://www.netflix.com/JerrySeinfeld23



杰里·塞恩费尔德(Jerry Seinfeld):23小时的杀戮官方预告片|奈飞

杰里·塞恩菲尔德(Jerry Seinfeld)登上纽约的舞台,讨论谈话,短信,糟糕的自助餐与所谓的“很棒”的餐馆以及Pop Tarts的魔力。 。

  1. Jerry's life sucks because he is alienated from God,what is life without God? its incomplete,to know His unconditional love,to know that you are loved by God,that if you believe in Jesus,all your sins are forgiven and you don't have to fear death is reason for hope,and all you have to do is BELIEVE……all we are capable of is believing.

  2. Hello netflix comenting because its the only way i can reach out to you, im a small actor and i live in Holland im 11 years old I've been wanting this since I watched the first trailer and it would really make my entire life if i could cast in lost in space when production starts, just a small role in 1 episode would be enough, if you read this, please consider talking about it with @zestyville, thank you for taking you're time.

  3. how do u get to Carnegie Hall?
    Practice.. practice..practice..
    And Jerry has decades of it. and it blatantly reflects in his writing and performance.

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