
刺客的信条瓦尔哈拉(Creed Valhalla)在这个正式的电影级全球首映预告片中将传奇带入了维京战争。在2020年假期期间进入Xbox Series X和其他平台!

#AssassinsCreed #Valhalla #GameSpot。

  1. I'm very much a pagan… But I don't get how raiding Vikings can be portrayed as good while the Englisc bad for defending their land? lol

  2. Ubisoft has a lot of trust to recover, I haven’t bought one of their games in a while, last being Farcry 5. I mean, this trailer is fantastic, but I’m waiting to see gameplay before I draw any conclusions.

  3. Same old Ubisoft trick , hype you up with the cinematic trailer and when you buy the game is gonna be crap.Guys dont buy shit from them anymore , let them learn their lesson , in order to make them create a good game in the future . Nobody buy this crap , dont be fooled by the trailer .Let the game sit in their shelves.

  4. I'd love to fight that enemy unit at 3:10??.
    The shot is so legendary. And all those complaining about stealth, it would certainly be an option in game but changes are required. Viking history is mostly based on making wars. I just hope that war missions are not like AC3.

  5. Congratulations assassins creed, another game that has nothing to do with assassins. This straight up used to be my favorite franchise until origins came out. What type of clowns are running the joint now? He doesn't even wear a hood u.u. assassins creed 3 was my first game and to this day it remains my favorite game, but y'all need to think about what you're really doing, cause I'm not here to play viking warrior the game, I'm here to play an assassins creed game.

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