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  1. This imaginary herd of humans of the entire planet would actually have the ability if committed to run at all the soldiers that we have currently available.. with or without guns and literally trample them.. so leadership must indeed have finesse… All they can do actually to control the citizens is fire guns into the air.. Because the citizens also have guns.

  2. In regards to lockdowns and ultimate individual rulers of Our World that transcend the elected leadership…. one might ask how do you control a herd? herd of cattle. In a very finessed careful way. You can't just start grabbing them by the horns and pushing them.. that's a consideration the leaders must keep in mind. The leaders can be trampled at any time.

  3. D D Massive prison releases in the USA . Prison reform was in the works before the virus . Why waste a good crises to promote an agenda.
    Prisoners are being released from prison( already isolated) back into the General Public with many committing crimes again. No bail or bond and people committing crimes are released with out seeing a cell and I’m on “Voluntary lockdown” and if I refuse I might be subject to fines and arrest . Go figure this one out. Hopefully Australia functions NORMALLY. Not the New Normal.

  4. Delpiprogrammer. The parallels are there..Over zealous government takes over, politicians like Polosi Uber rich , food shortages. The movie is extreme though. Something for thought . What does come to mind which in many ways is life today. The technology . The way you can be tracked by your cell phone . The drones that some municipalities are using to spy on citizens on private property( yards) yo disperse them. A WHO official on tv last month stating the authorities if necessary will come to your home and remove your family member if they are ill and bring them to a safe location . Can you imagine?
    Maybe my tv is watching Me . ) Orwell 1984)
    Good reads , Brave New Word also .

  5. Im not sure but I believe you need a permit to protest and permits are given out by the state aka Governor right??? but then they don't want us to gather in big groups?.. hmm.. if this is true, then why allow people to protest? for now.. That's Straight Stupid..and people who are protesting. Your helping any cause..it not time for selfishness. I understand to protest when people are given a chance to make thing right. Its been 2mths..really?  idk guys. The calm before the storm…cricket and the ant..

  6. Washington DC was alerted on jan 27. Where was pelosi. In fact where were all of our Congress and senators. They were locked in on a phony impeachment.

  7. On February 24, you were calling this virus a pandemic, "as in a natural disaster, which this is". Now, I guess, "It's just the flu, bro" is your stand on it.

  8. I also blame actors, musicians and just people with fame telling their followers to stay home while they sit in their multi-million dollar homes not hurting for anything. When everything is all said and done I'm boycotting everyone who said "stay home"

  9. Man o man these two Kern County doctors are beyond brilliant, stunning. They handled the 'agenda journos' question with aplomb, respect and owned them totally. Of course it makes sense that YouTube
    censored them since they destroyed Newsome's faux science agenda.

  10. Fauci needs to go, that guy is nuts if we let him he would sell our country to China or whom ever gives him money like Bill Gates!!
    All of a sudden Bill is an expert on this problems and he's popping everywhere……wonder why???
    Create a problem world wide, sell the solution (vaccine/Medication) team up with stupid politicians that don't give a rat's about this country and there you have it, while we hide in our homes waiting for the breadcrumbs left over from all of our taxes paid for decades.

    Man!!! what a wake up call, but better late than never. Trump is one of the very few politicians that are really showing what they're made off and that he really cares for the USA

    Trump, Fire Faucci!!!! the sooner the better, or he'll end up dragging you down with him. We aren't stupid and we already know what's going on, you can make history as one of the best more honest and true american PRESIDENTS, we need your smarts and don't let the system make you feel powerless, keep pushing we area behind you.
    got my vote already in November
    Kick some butt!!!

  11. “Experts” like Fauci and Birx need to disclose their funding sources, and the entire public needs to see, from EVERY news source left standing, the full history and background of any “expert” making pronouncements to the public that inform decisions about public health policy, these shutdowns, and any recommendations they’re asking us to follow. Finally, the leadership of the CDC, the NIH, and NIAID need to be investigated thoroughly.

  12. Fauci needs to be FIRED. Yesterday. The public needs to find a way to TURN OFF THE FAKE NEWS until it dies of attrition. YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter et al need to be stripped immediately of their “platform” status and required to admit they are publishers, until such time as they cease all censorship (that would probably require a change in management). The American people need to be able to make decisions based on real information. FREEDOM OF SPEECH needs to be respected again.

  13. In other words: the government has illegally taken certain liberties from the people and will not give them back. Am I the only one who thinks we are going to see some sort of civil turmoil in the future?

  14. They need the lockdown to continue, so that they can use the crisis to stop Trump from winning in November
    It's there only chance to stop him, they tried everything else.

  15. Tucker, thank you for admitting you thought the virus was more deadly than it was. It's one reason I continue to watch you even after I disagree with a position you have taken. You are honest. Very rare quality in media today.

  16. Covid is nothing short of a Trojan Hoarse to usher in the NWO, you know that thing very President has mentioned since 1996 and long before that too look it up.

  17. I don't know Tucker. Is your family "worth it?" Get them out there! Stop talking and take action! You got this! Glasshouses….that's what it is if you don't.

  18. Tucker was born in San Francisco but was raised mostly in Southern California. His father was an LA news anchor and ambassador to the Seychelles named Richard Warner Carlson. Tucker's mother left the family when he was just six years old. When Tucker was 10, Richard married Patricia Caroline Swanson. Patricia was exceptionally wealthy thanks to her grandfather Carl A. Swanson, who founded the Swanson frozen foods empire. He attended Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut where he graduated with a degree in history in 1991.  Net Worth: $20 Million Fox News Salary:$6 Million p.a.

  19. There still aren’t enough tests

    Healthcare workers still don’t have the PPE they need

    We need aggressive oversight of the Trump admin’s coronavirus response

    Republicans should be focused on fighting for Americans in this pandemic, not confirming unqualified, right-wing judges

  20. People criticize the 2 doctors for extrapolating their data…. but they support the extrapolated data of the ideologies they prefer. Data is always extrapolated… this is nothing new.

  21. Hey, Tucker…..you should stop your social distancing/isolation. I'm sure you will be fine. Don't forget to get your whole family out there with you. You know your wife and kids & perhaps your parents, inlaws and some aunts and uncles. You know you all will be ok. You just told us. Time to own your truth, buddy. Most of this is all made up anyway. Isn't that what you are saying? Get out there! Prove your point! Be true to your beliefs! In fact, everyone who feels this way just go ahead join one of those protests or head out for a hair cut and a tattoo. I'm sure y'all will be just fine. There is nothing to worry about. Right? I would say good luck, but I know you are very confident you don't need luck. So have at it!

  22. In Gernany Dr. Bodo Schiffman opened a new resistence party against the Lockdowns. The Party got in a few days nearly 50000 Members and the resistence is growing. Stay strong woke up americans.

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