
等待结束了! 《愤怒的街道4》现已在PC,Nintendo Switch,PlayStation 4,Xbox One上可用,价格为$ 24,99!

如果Steam,Nintendo Switch和PlayStation 4粉丝渴望在具有标志性的Beat-em-up系列的复兴中大展拳脚,则可以在发行的前四天内购买其副本,从而获得24.99美元的价格10%的折扣。

PS4 USA:https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP1482-CUSA16237_00-00STREETSOFRAGE4
Xbox One:https://www.microsoft.com/zh-CN/p/streets-of-rage-4/9n7h54kncb9n?activetab = pivot:overviewtab

Streets of Rage 4是25年来的第一个主线系列参赛作品,融合了游戏,艺术和设计的现代演变,注入了该系列的经典元素,为歌迷们献上了忠实的敬意,并仍然提供了与众不同的体验。


在Twitter上将爱发送给@ Dotemu,@ Lizardcube和@Guard_Crush,并在Discord上与我们的忠实粉丝一起:https://discord.gg/DvVq4yz。 。

  1. I can't even bring to words the emotions you have made me feel making this and no words do it justice just play it, it's a master piece ?

  2. Used to rent the first 2 way back in the 90’s every other week! Better hav saved them lives by the last level or its a wrap gotta start frm level one? axel is the shit

  3. Me my cousin & my bro used to play this on the megadrive all night whilst our parents went out drinking lol, didn’t even know this was coming out this is amazing the music sounds sick. Me and my gf are going to buy it and link up now! Any reviews yet guys?

  4. This trailer is really poorly edited and really isn't as gripping as the original 2018 one, despite looking way better in gameplay.
    The pace is all over the place and the music is really too lounge to get me pumped.
    However reviews are good and it looks great so I'mma probably get it, shit trailer notwithstanding.

  5. Bravo Dotemu vous pouvez être fiers de votre travail! Qui eu cru en 1994 que ce quatrième épisode allait sortir en 2020, qui plus est développé par une fine équipe Française qui a su faire renaître la saga de la plus belle des manières! Alors certes tout n'est pas parfait, mais le contenu généreux de votre jeu va offrir des heures de plaisir! Vivement une nouvelle collaboration avec Sega!

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