泰森食品警告'食品供应链正在中断'在冠状病毒大流行中| NBC晚间新闻


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泰森食品在冠状病毒大流行中警告“食品供应链正在中断” NBC晚间新闻。

  1. I love how all this is being revealed by God , Jesus is waking people up and people realize we can die at any moment but with Jesus heaven awaits that’s why most Christians aren’t freaking out we tried warning people

  2. Bull crap bunch of evil lies , trying to starve Americans, God will judge these people look at Joe Biden , God says your sins will find you out , I didn’t realize chickens or other animals have coronavirus, lying news lying cooperations

  3. The commercial food supply chain has been long tainted. I am glad that it is having problems and on the verge of shut down. The food that comes from the commercial food industry is poison. We should all be supporting local farmers and we wouldn't have these problems. For those of you who would like to learn more about the serious problems with the commercial food industry please check the videos on my YouTube page. I have been avidly studying food systems for 17 years now.

  4. Tyson screws over chicken farmers etc look it up. Tyson wants no liability on return workers unless they know good chance more will die.

  5. Time to get back into the woods and harvest my own meat again. It's been a few years due to the cost of deer leases in Texas. But it seems I'm not going to have a choice.

  6. Lololol you IDIOTS are scared of a flu which the SURGEON GENERAL said" more will die from TOBACCO this year than COVID even by the WORST PROJECTIONS"!? Lolol America your gonna find or what the Soviet citizens went thru and the Cambodians under khymer and Pol pot and the Chinese under Mao etc etc etc etc

  7. The Food Chain is in reference to all foods. What do you think all those that normally eat meat on a daily basis will do if meat is no longer stocked at stores? Just stop eating? Heck no, they will start eating other food. To which, farms/vegetables/etc are not in abundance. Suppliers produce what they can sell…so, the food supply is based on normal sales. It is not like a farmer will magically pull 3.5 million more pounds of lettuce out of the ground per day (overnight without preparation). Which is around what one pork plant is producing at a two shift plant. So, all you vegetarians decrying how happy you are about several plants closing should think the situation through. Not saying Tyson is not just trying to save face and reopen soon, they definitely are. Just stating the facts.

  8. all lies i raise poultry commercially. the problem is that people cannot use their brain anymore and believe this garbage.

  9. So easy to blame/disguise/or cover it up, with the COVID19 pandemic, who's going to question that?, when in actuality, they're (USDA), are throwing away and dumping tons of edible foods, it's all a part of the "NEW WORLD ORDER"!!!

  10. Americans eat too much meat. A dramatic reduction would the biggest boon to our health since the discovery of antibiotics. Given this fact, it makes no sense to force plant workers to die just so we can continue to get fat and die of coronary diseases. Why didn't Trump sign the order to produce a sufficient supply of personal protective equipment so hospital workers and essential workers (like these) didn't have to die in vain? It's his fault that we're in this mess in the first place.

  11. IS IT POSSIBLE…ANY OF THE EXISTING…FOOD IN THE MARKETS…IS CONTAMINATED ??? No one has mentioned this…so many sick …dead….IS THE FOOD OUT THERE.;..SAFE ???

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