

加拿大微软前总裁弗兰克·克莱格(Frank Clegg):“还没有向公众表明5G不仅仅是手机上的另一个数字和字母。它需要在将要安装的整个城市中建立一个全新的基础结构,其中包含数千个小型蜂窝天线。”



Riina Bray博士:“最普遍的症状包括头痛,疲劳,注意力不集中,耳鸣,烦躁不安和失眠。对心脏和神经系统的影响也值得关注。”

Riina Bray博士已经在省环境卫生诊所工作了15年,并且看到电磁辐射带来的不利影响的人数有所增加。

Riina Bray博士:“我们预测,刚安装5G的地方出现我刚才提到的症状的人数将会增加。”

玛格达·哈瓦斯(Magda Havas)博士的电磁污染生物学效应研究获得国际认可。她说,在高强度下,这些波会引起强烈的热量和疼痛,因为我们皮肤表面的汗腺就像迷你天线一样起作用。

教授兼研究员Magda Havas博士说:“在较低强度下,科学家们预测对眼睛的伤害,已经在下降的昆虫种群的减少,细菌的抗生素抗性以及对神经系统和免疫系统的生理影响。”







  1. We are continuously bombarded by electromagnetic impulses-toxic fumes-radiation-noise pollution-false advertising-profanity-fake news-deceptions of all stripes-poison breath-filthy air-negative emotions-invisible enemies-viruses-bactetria-poison insects-drugs-crime-highway death-toxic processed foods-drinks-candy-pesticides-on and on-the end is near-look up-The Judge approaches the earth!

  2. This is definitive proof that crackpots are capable of peddling nonsense. But not any validated evidence that 5g bandwidth is harmfultoorganisms, letalone humans

  3. I see a huge class action lawsuit against our government and the makers of 5g in the near future. Roll it out. Message me I know a great lawyer.

  4. There is an effort at the moment to (insta lable)
    Anyone asking about 5g and cv19 as a fool.
    Here is the problem.
    They are not stopping to consider how 60 htz milliwave radiation effects oxygen and co2 attenuation in cells, viruses,and microbial cultures.
    It is already known that theses waves increase growth and mutations in complex human cells and animals.
    It is not difficult to suppose that much more simple micro organisms may also experience rapid growth mutation and reproduction rates .
    But I guess I am just stupid for suggesting that 🙂

  5. Might want to check up on those "experts" talking about electromagnetism. Dr Havas, for example is a botanist, with no authority or experience on the subject

  6. We don't need more some tecnologie like this 5g. We have enough data connection with the 3g tecnologie. The 4g is also dangerous for uman en animals and vegetation, but with a little bit low impact but this is also to consider! The world life is the first more important than internet or other
    tecnologie. We want come back the time without magnetic eletric field. We don't want more yous/our theirs technological weapons to kill all what will life!!! If you want make a money, do something else
    for to save and survive the animals and the forests that give us and filter oxygen and humans. this is what we really need now. Slowly all the species are dying, while you look at Netflix and think that the crown virus that kills!
    The multinationals self-certify their technologies to sell and kill us at all, and politics allows all this.
    Today world policies no longer ensure the health and good of people and the planet by eliminating all the technological ideas that have been in place for some time that are killing the world but rather, policies today protect managers, big brands and the economy, when this could still be on the positive and good side
    for us and for everything that is still alive but that is already disappearing without making a big list.
    WAKE UP WAKE UP! It is 5G and 4G that are making bees and all nature sick and disappear to humanity.
    Let's block these technologies and go back to the TELEPHONE CABLES, if
    you really don't want to enjoy internet and telematic communication. Only the people can prevent all this if they wish
    and wants to make a better and healthier life! If one cares about himself and what he has around him!
    I know that the risk of eliminating this comment is very likely,
    then read and spread this message of mine, if you want to save you and your planet.
    These are my considerations !.
    I am very worried, but not for myself, for this planet and all its living species, from plants to animals and to your human species, to which I now believe I no longer belong!
    I would not think again that the human being is the worst enemy of this planet, even if the results are clear!
    I am very worried.

  7. There is a website called Healthgrades. I would be interested to check out the doctors mentioned in the description of this video, unfortunately it is not available in my area.

  8. Whoever complained about 4G?? 5G in Europe has extreme high radiation and kills hundreds of thousands of birds, bees etc. The EU put the project on hold but isn't telling the people about it. Typical…

  9. Isn't it quite sad really how many of us are here and how few sent anything to his/her local Council and MPs?

    My first text on this subject that I sent to my local Council and my MPs:

    Here is my text that I sent to them so far:


    What is your stance?


    Good afternoon,

    I would like to ask you where are you standing in the question of EMFs and 5g and what kind of precautions and measurements have been already taken and which will be taken in the light of the health hazard and environment impact that had been already proven and other impacts that are still under investigation.

    Some sources are enclosed:






    Kind regards

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