LOVECRAFT COUNTRY官方预告片(2020)J.J.艾布拉姆斯(Jordan Peele)系列


  1. Just making a side point that no one here is talking about. If we really want to get passed racism then why does Hollywood keep bringing up the pass and making money off it too ?

  2. From Uber Director and Writer J.J.Abrams Movie Afficianado and this generations Cecil B. DEMILLE,Comes this Masterpiece add LoveCraft =tons of chills and thrills.

  3. From a story,suspence,mystery master writer,with unmatched skills and talent.Who also is the Undisputed Writing Heir to ROD SERLINGS throne=Mr.Jordan Peele!

  4. Yay another look how racist we used to be movie! If we're going to go down that road I feel a Lovecraft theme movie based around native Americans would be pure gold. Not only was our technology already "alien" in nature to them but throw in some genuine cosmic horror to an already terrifying, and at the time unknown world?

  5. I just watch this trailer just because it says Lovercarft, but then I realize it is going to be directed by JJ Abrams, and I wonder if this is going to be part of the cloververse

  6. The show is based on a novel by Matt Ruff, which takes the racist themes of H. P. Lovecraft's works and sets them in the 1950s. It is written as an anthology of novellas and short stories (just like Lovecraft would write) that center on an African American family in Chicago and its ties to a rich white Elder God cultist in New England. It is very unique and definitely worth reading. I am really looking forward to this series.

  7. Personally I think it's pretty cool to see a segregation era film that isn't just about segregation. Letting black people have their own stories that depict oppression, but don't revolve around it is important.

  8. When they say and show the death on the map of lovecraft country, my mind quick thought got me thinking that the place the black country man sold his soul to the devil to be the best musician.

  9. This looks confusing and interesting. A period piece in the south with what seems like some southern racist subplot and strange alien like creatures.

    I’m in.

  10. J.J and Jordan, this could be insane!!Force awakens was really good and predictable but because in human development like star wars is, you don't evolve until you master your mistakes so the echoes of episodes 1 and 4 make sense. Get out and Us were so terrifying, and the Star Trek was fun!!! This has so much potential.

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