

 – 一月
 -Vin Giorgio
 -查理·加尔文(Charlie Galvin)
 -彼得·弗巴(Peter Vrba)
-Abdulaziz al Senaidi
 -普里斯玛特·德拉贡(Prismat Dragoon)

  1. i know you dont have german blood buy vikings were also mercs and assassins do their effectiveness and be first people have steel weapons before "civilized" people, bezerkers used stealth and traps when assigned to a assignation mission, as well were shield maidens used cripple a town defenses. but comment section full of people in annoying nerd voice "but it says here on wikipedia blah blah blah blah, my smart is more accurate than a history book"

  2. For the final time, MT’s and loot boxes are OPTIONAL. It’s like going to a buffet and griping that they offer pizza alongside mashed potatoes…guess what, you can pick and choose what YOU want the way YOU want it! Don’t want a statue? Don’t buy that preorder bundle. Don’t wanna use an XP boost? Don’t buy it. What’s even worse are people that complain about having to grind levels and the option to use boosts…umm, gotta use one or the other, how else are you going to level up??

    C’mon Yong, don’t fall into this trap as well…

  3. I don't understand why they make the trailer featuring a male Viking warrior when the award for one of their editions is a female character wearing the same gear, tattoos, and hairstyles. Are they pulling another Odyssey where they heavily market the game featuring a male character, but the actual canon is a female? Looks to be the case again and I simply don't understand it or agree with it.

  4. I know that putting the Assassins Creed name in the game is more marketable, but so is Ghost Recon. Doesn't mean that the game won't be complete garbage "cough breaking point" I wish these companies would take more risks, then again the economy is already in a terrible place right now. What to do what to do!

  5. I don't care for the assassin's creed lore with animus and stuff: I got into the game by Assassin's Creed Odyssey and I love it (not the intervals with Layla's story). I hope to get another action RPG with vikings 😀

  6. CG trailers are a real turn off. Ubi are really good at making great CG trailers but inconsistent with their actual content/Gameplay. A couple of gems in the mix but a whole bunch of rotters. Wouldn't mind a CG/Gameplay mix or something. Pure CG? Nah.

  7. Idk I stopped feeling any excitement for the series after AC revelations. The timeline changed too much, guns and pirates and vikings, just not my thing. I feel like the original story with Altair and Ezio tied in so well and the game ended for me with Ezio's death. I can't help but feel they're just milking the name with sequels now.

  8. Odyssey = Origins: Greek Edition
    Valhalla = Odyssey: Nordic Edition
    as expected from Ubisoft, glorified copy & paste. Epic historical Action-RPG, but NO AC game.

  9. Haven't picked up an AC game in a long time and this is the one that gets me back into the series due the the Nordic theme. If it exclusive, however, I'll never play it. Thankfully it doesn't sound like it is.

  10. The game can work well and still be called an Assassin's Creed game since Vikings used stealth in seiges like any other smart militaries, and since Vikings reached Canada, Russia, and Spain, they could be the start of the assassin's creed in europe, for all we know Eivor is a berserker but we have seen him use the hidden blade steapthfuly since we did'nt even see it until he used it.

    They worshipped gods like Tyr who was smart and maybe a cult starts from Tyr in where they operate behind the great battles like what Ac3 did and failed (assassin's by then operated behind the shadows and not up and front in the wars but the devs made Connor a rambo) and since the game is before the crusades happen the european assassins could have ever only started bieng stealthy since the Vikings started dissapearing in the 900's to 1000's and could mark their transition since open battle failed them.

  11. Alfred is most exceptional, however, not for his generalship or his administration but for his attitude toward learning. He shared the contemporary view that Viking raids were a divine punishment for the people’s sins, and he attributed these to the decline of learning, for only through learning could men acquire wisdom and live in accordance with God’s will

  12. it looks great and all, but……assassins and vikings??? does this make sence? they could make a war-game with those factions…..but as an assassins game?

  13. Honestly I’d love them to remake the first game in the scale of odyssey and like redo the story, keeping the general idea but making it like a 60 hour campaign with an additional 40-60 hours of side shit like odyssey, I really liked the setting and all the stealthy shit you had to do in the game and it was simple, idk I guess I’m just not into whole rpg thing they did for these games I like the more simple you are an assassin, you can 1v1 to 1v4 reliably but more than that and you have to run type of thing. Ac2 hit it right on the head with that where you would run in and stealth kill a few that would give you trouble and then get out of stealth and you could engage in 1v4 combat with the help of smoke bombs and shit.

  14. I'm genuinely curious about the modern day, precursor stuff. At about a minute into the premiere, it pans into the blue sky and I SWEAR I glimpse an outline of a woman in the clouds.

    Considering the mythology "glitches" in the animus in recent games, I'm curious if this is Juno masquerading as Hela or another goddess.

  15. As much as I love Oddesy, I will admit that it lacked in stealth. I do think that it was with Unity & Syndicate where they mastered the stealth and Oddesy (haven’t played Origins) is where they mastered the combat.

    My wish is that they bring those together into this game. “It’s a viking setting that means no stealth-“ It’s also a video game, and player choice is always an option.

    That’s my opinion.

  16. That was painful to watch Yong… it was a Microsoft sponsored reveal trailer, that’s all, AC is never going to be console exclusive to one side, loads of games reveal trailers have done this kind of thing in the past, MS will just have dropped a ton of money on their logos over that trailer

  17. The problem with making Vikings the protagonists is you have to have to either get the audience to sympathize despite all the rape, murder and slavery, or you have to have some reason why they aren't doing that. Seems like they are making it out that all those terrible things were Templar propaganda from this trailer.

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