

MSNBC提供重大新闻,对政治头条的深入分析以及评论和见多识广的观点。在Rachel Maddow Show,Joe Morning,每日见面会,Ari Melber的节拍,Deadline:Nichole Wallace的白宫,硬式棒球,All In,Last Word,11th Hour等内容中查找视频片段和片段。



  1. I think what you need to really take on board is the fact that more people in the USA have now died from COVID in only 3 months than the entire Vietnam war that lasted 10 years….speaking of war – Currently, they have more deaths than September 11 every single day – and they went to war for that. think about it, trouble is brewing!!!!

  2. Guys see 1 in 4 cases are tested positive in America has more deaths how can u say that u r doing more testing the rate that deths occuring in USA is more compare to any countries according to me 330 million people minimum 20 million cases are active in America which still not tested … And they are roaming over all the place

  3. ?? Remember those stupid students who celebrated spring break in Florida and who did not hesitate to say to journalists: if I have corona … I have corona !
    Because of people like these, the virus has spread and will spread again and again …
    We were very sad in France to see these idiots on television who were blind to what was happening in Europe with the coronavirus.
    We will have to be more strict with stupid subconscious in the future … Otherwise, we will never get out.
    Je crois qu’on est vraiment pas sorti de l’auberge…

  4. A confession of the covid-19 virus (translated from Spanish)

    Acid rain
    Bush fire burning
    Glaciers melting
    Rivers clotted by garbage
    Oceans covered with plastic
    Forest striped by mining
    The Earth screams one more time,
    "I can take no more. I am dying."
    But you choose not to listen.

    So, I am born and spread like wild fire among you
    I burn your lungs like you burn fuel,
    I give you feverish brains, like no other drugs would
    I watch you withering in agony, fighting for every
    breath the way that the Earth is suffocating
    I separate you from your family and friends
    while you breath your last,
    I cripple your country
    I make the world stop

    But I am not here to punish you
    I am here to awaken you
    I am here to plead for a chance for your children to live
    The Earth is your only and last homeland,
    The stars are beyond your reach
    There is no escape
    Reign in your excessive consumption of resources
    Let the Earth recuperate itself
    It will repay you ten times.

    Endless wars
    Rivers of blood
    Mass shooting

    So I am born
    I am not here to punish you
    I am a equal opportunity killer
    I am here to remind you of what was once noble in man

    I am here to plead for a chance for your children
    to live in harmony
    and avoid war

    United with all people, you may drive me away.
    Stand alone, I will slaughter you all

    Heed my appeal
    Mend your way

    I can always return more furiously than before
    and convert the unconverted.

    the virus

  5. Trump was correct to open the USA.. While we are all closed economically, the enemy is on the move trying to infiltrate us from within, better open now before it's too late.

  6. God can not help. It's Karma of US for nuke Japan and war in Vietnam. And also Europe for evil colonailism in the past. You get of what you did.

  7. More scaremongering. Where are the figures of how many are unemployed and about to lose everything? How about the figures of how the economy is tanking? Mental health statistics?

  8. Yes, but who can trust THIS guy with math or statistics? Comparatively 30 million Americans have diabetes, a horrible, life threatening disease. There are 350-370 million Americans. So this virus has affected less than half of 1% of the population — and only 1-3 % of those will die — and most of those have compromised health conditions. Of course the media will never keep things in realistic perspective nor provide context for their statistics. And this is why I don't trust the media nor the WHO one whit. Let's get back to work.

  9. I like the way they count virus in Singapore. Lots of cases but always including that it's Malaysians in there dorm. My son in law lives there. Singapore is mostly Chinese. It was them Malaysians. We didn't do nothing

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