
观看CBSN的实时冠状病毒报道,包括纽约州州长Andrew Cuomo和纽约市市长Bill de Blasio的简报。




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  1. Spectrum and google and Facebook are all propaganda now and it’s so bad that I am going to unsubscribe and cut my internet off what a bad joke they have played on people every where. What a shame they should be exposed!!! But with the propaganda all over the place people are left to listen to this bull crap or not anything else is allowed in the insane world order

  2. Boo I know I change the channel every time they get on the news. I can’t stand it anymore!!!!!!!!! They need to stick their heads in the ventilator they want so many of

  3. How come I never see fhasie wearing a mask ever! I saw a commercial about dating and I died laughing so ridiculous over the internet please!!! No more babies in the future I guess!!!! And how are you supposed to eat at the newly opened restaurant wearing a mask!!!! This stupid stuff needs to stop!!!! The scientists only want money from the cold virus bay doo doo vaccine!!!! They are laughing at the human race all the way to the bank!!!!!!!

  4. Wow, democracy in education for children (a novel concept); this will, hopefully, be an evening of educational learning process for the less privileged children.

  5. The mayor and senator of NY told the people back in February not to panic ride the subways and eat at restaurants they need the business.

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