[SKTelecom 5G]SK Telecom使用5G AR将喷火龙带到棒球场

3月23日星期六,在2019年KBO赛季的开幕日,SK Telecom将神话般的龙类动物飞龙带到了配备5G的SK快乐梦想公园,这是SK Wyverns的家园。飞越公园的大型飞龙飞龙通过体育广播频道向棒球迷直播。

为了实现惊人的增强现实(AR)性能,SK Telecom运用了自己开发的AR / VR技术,例如“ eSpace”(一种可以将现实世界复制到虚拟空间中的超空间平台)和“ T real Platform”。可以自由/轻松创建和共享AR内容的地方。

自2018年12月1日启动全球首个5G网络以来,韩国排名第一的移动运营商SK Telecom一直在积极开发包括AR和VR在内的多种5G服务,以将客户体验提升到一个新的水平。

5G是SK Telecom,SKT 5GX

#SKTelecom #SK #SKWyverns#5G#5GSports #AugmentedReality #Sports #Baseball #AR #Wyverns #KBO #Dragon #Hyperspace #VR #VirtualReality #Wyvern。

  1. who's in front of this? who allows this? Why we all have to be exposed to this? I don't have modems, routers at home because I am super hiper sensitive – where are my rights heard? Tis will only separate us more, more crime, more fooling about! Get Real Humanity! Get together because there are lots against 5g. Wake up and rise and shine, together.

  2. The most evil thing I've ever seen. They can do anything today, and of course seeing is believing. That's how they are going to control everyone.

  3. Proyecto blue bemm señores cuidado cuando vengan la invasión extraterrestre de mentira y la élite juegue si última carta cuidado con los olograma y loq la élite está esperando para engañar a ala humanidad

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