Google I / O 2011:GWT + UI设计器:轻松实现企业Web UI!

Eric Clayberg我们将研究企业开发人员如何使用Google Web Toolkit和Google Plugin for Eclipse中的新UI Designer快速构建Web。

  1. In case you come upon this video in the future and get really excited about GWT Designer, take a look here:!topic/google-plugin-eclipse/gWcCq0xenbk

    It is no longer supported by Google and it hasn't been made available for contributions from the community. The source is open and available, but it isn't possible to build it due to dependencies on internal Google tools. It is being reviewed for deprecation/retirement atm. If you use it and want to see it improved, please voice your concern at the above link.

  2. How can I make the animation does not start only when I want ? Because for example if you make a square and put animation starts automatically
    Thx Elod

  3. This is indeed a good point. I have already posted on the WindowBuilder forums asking how they are planning to move forward with this product in light of the new JavaFX SceneBuilder tool. So far as I have seen, this product does not support JavaFX in any way (crashes). Hopefully they will be coming out with an answer for that soon rather than just trying to keep up with Eclipse and GWT updates.

  4. I have spent a lot of time searching for WindowBuilder or WindowBuilder Pro demos or trailing videos online over the last 3 months. I was never able to find this one via searching due to the lack of a WindowBuilder tag or mention in the description. But I finally found it via the WindowBuilder forums on

    This is by far the best video that I've seen describing how to use the product. Previously the best that I could find were in Spanish, which works fine for me, but not for my team.

  5. It would be awesome If we could get a GUI Designer which woeuld be a combination of Catalyst (multiple scenes/viewstates), tumult hype, adobe edge, wakanda and the ability to easily create custom skins to be able to create unique UIs

  6. Actual functionality of this tool is unfortunately a shame for Google. Eric, you lie in the presentation, you fat pig. You just wasted my time.

  7. Eric, You are a big liar! Nothing in this great tool – GWT Designer – actually works! It's one of the biggest disappointment I had in a couple of years. This can't be compared to tools like old Borland Delphi used to be. Designer is just amateurisch piece of commerce shit. It's a shame there is a Google't trademark on it. I just spend whole afternoon playing with this great tool and it can not do a simple Grid with a button on it. Moving a button between panels just fucks everything up!

  8. such tools were here since decades and I think UI code generation is really ugly.. ever seen Visual Studio Xaml Editor, or much better, Expression Blend? Google you need better tools!

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