参见Fauci博士的惊人大流行警告-在特朗普将冠状病毒降至最低之前不久| MSNBC

随着美国与冠状病毒和危险的错误信息作斗争,安东尼·福西(Anthony Fauci)博士已成为特朗普政府病毒工作组的首席医学专家。新的民意测验显示,美国人对他的信任远胜于普雷斯。特朗普,这份报告显示,自从福奇在1984年成为抗击艾滋病的领导者以来,双方总统一直以来就很重视福西的无党派科学专业知识。在人与人之间传播”,以及这种传染病的含义是“当世界某个地方肆虐时,世界上没有任何地方是绝对安全的。” (本次采访来自MSNBC的“与阿里·梅尔伯(Ari Melber)的搏斗”,这是一个报道政治,法律和文化的新闻节目,每晚晚上6点在MSNBC上播出。于04/21/2020播出。

MSNBC提供重大新闻,对政治头条的深入分析以及评论和见多识广的观点。在Rachel Maddow Show,Joe Morning,每日见面会,Ari Melber的节拍,Deadline:Nichole Wallace的白宫,硬式棒球,All In,Last Word,11th Hour等内容中查找视频片段和片段。



  1. So he knew the CV would come in this presidency… I wonder why? Gates? Deep state? Fauci is a deep state puppet. They planned this. Why did nancy Pelosi wait for a month to hand over the articles of impeachment? Bc her and many others KNEW and PLANNED this virus to get trump out of office bc HES ACTUALLY doing the RIGHT thing for America?? russia now we know was literally a hoax, impeachment was a joke (pelosi and others had much money invested in Ukraine's 'energy boards' run by her son, and then u got the bidens etc) so… make a little more sense? Dont ignore the truth, embrace it. #Trump2020 #blexit #WalkAway #wwg1wga #WakeUpAmerica ?? and ABOVE ALL #JESUSISTHETRUTH ???✝️ idc if anyone gets mad at me, or hates me for these hashtags, I still love u and pray for u?

  2. The sheeple and Democratic voters will happily be injected with Bill Gates magic vaccinations.
    They are signing their own death warrants by doing so.
    This vaccine will stop covid but depress your immunity in fighting future viruses. No bueno!

  3. Have you heard his 2017 Georgetown Address that " this administration will face a " well go ahead and give it a listen he predicted this to happen at this time.

  4. I'm not a scientist but I know you don't give the Chinese money to do genetic research, they do not have the safety protocols of a US Lab. Messing with genetic code it dangerous, if it's dangerous to don't hire workers who are underpaid to do something as dangerous as genetic research.

  5. More controlled opposition games brought to us by the Microsoft & NBC at home together media. Trumpet bad, Fauci good, you are so obvious to anyone who's not a fan of any of you frauds.
    VLP. anyone?.

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