大卫·艾伦(David Allen):把事情做好

大卫·艾伦(David Allen)谈及GTD,以及保持健康的生活和工作风格的两个关键。

  1. David Allen brings new clarity to the power of purpose, the essential nature of relaxation and deceptively simple guidelines for doing things. He employs extensive experience, personal stories and his own recipe for simplicity, speed, and fun.

    Get Getting Things Done Book (PDF – Summary – Review – Online Reading – Download): https://www.toevolution.com/file/view/232217/getting-things-done-book-pdf-summary-review-online-reading-download

  2. Ultimate meditation is when one is entangling with a living enlightened manster and the brain starts to mirror his bain activities so the person immediately has glimpses of the ultimate state of samadi.

    HDH Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam is such an enlightened master who during the morning discourses gives the ultimate experience to all viewers. No effort is required from the viewer's side. Simply watching and allowing the experience to unfold.

    Every day live discourses by HDH Sri Nithyananda at 07:30 am and 07:30 pm IST on Nithyananda.tv and YouTube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/LifeBlissFoundation

  3. ….does not distinguish between work and life…
    …the ability to deal with surprise
    ….mismanaged commitments
    ….your mind doesn't have a mind to remind it….this is why you need a system
    ….your mind won't give it up until it can trust you will park it..
    …..universally inverse proportion to the amount something is on your mind and the amount it is getting done

    ….decisions about that thing that you haven't made yet'
    ….pay attention to where your mind keeps going
    ….to get things off your mind
    …perspective is the master key here, two aspects of self management: control, and perspective.
    26:40 self management matrix…Perspective (up) control (across), reactor, (LL), Micromanager (LR), crazy maker (UL), master and commander (UR)
    ….I fall off regularly, but the trick is recognizing it and bootstrapping yourself back up there…
    …..Workflow piece (5 keys)
    …..Perspective piece is Horizon of focus (6 levels), to be able to look at other levels of work and commitment
    Example, Getting control of reading material…into big box…you have to label it…. now for Perspective, look at the stuff and ask what should you be reading, e.g. which magazines do you need to cancel, and which to renew…now we are into perspective…But the proper order is to get control first….yet there is a high correlation between the two events of control and perspective.
    33:31….In chapter 2 of book, is Mastering Workflow (control)1. Collect all the in process stuff (1 – 6 hours) 2. Process, clarify what those things mean, (if you don't do this, the list will create more fatigue), most to do lists are incomplete lists of unclear stuff. 3. Organize and 4. Review Each one of these has its own best and worst work practices, which you can see more details on in the book.
    50K ft, purpose and principles,
    40k ft is vision,
    30K ft goals,
    20K areas of focus/responsibility
    10K ft. projects
    runway–next actions

  4. One of the first videos I've seen of Allen, after reading the book. It's a great reminder and helped me get the information even more, as it takes time, dedication and practice, but you'll eventually get there… Thanks again David !
    It’s a methodology we love to use and explore at Zenkit, makes our team productive and creative…So much that we wrote and article about GTD, we’d love your feedbacks: https://blog.zenkit.com/a-beginners-guide-to-getting-things-done-3cc1a5123b98

  5. Disagree with the automation, but it's not in a way tha the system tells you to do it. It will work out more in a way where it guides your attention to what is reasonable next, that you can better stay in the flow or find your way into it.
    It will only work for Tasks at the Screen though.

    I often feel myself be lost, like I during writing some code my mind gets struck by a lightning and I have an Idea which I should not forget then I decide to write that down, open the browser tab to do that, sometimes it happens that the moment I do this my mind becomes empty. I have no Idea what the Idea was and sometimes spend up to 20 minutes to recover it.

    It's the battle flow vs. context switch. And this battle can be optimally solved by a specific consistent Environment which leads the attention to where it should be.

    I don't even know why I came to that video and moreso why I'm working it^^ just because it's available and the flow lead to it.
    Some minutes Ago I defined my latest tasks xD and the current one is to figure out how to use git submodules xD hahaha

    So the documentation was too weird that I searched for instructional videos, and one thing lead to another…
    Google is mixing too much different phases and contextes in which I'm currently looking at things and provides recommendations and searchresults fitting to that mixed context pot.
    Even though Google is my standard tool to find things etc. we need the next level as google was back then in 1998

  6. My notes:
    – Distributed cognition – Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distributed_cognition
    – GTD: move you from hope to trust
    – work ~> concentrate ~> eliminate distraction
    distraction is created by mismanaged commitments
    – your mind is limited in its ability to manage commitments, because it's handicapped in its ability to remember and remind
    but until it trusts there is a better system, it cannot let go of the job
    – the amount something is ON your mind is usually inverse proportional to the amount it is getting done
    if you don't give appropriate attention to what has your attention, it will take more of your attention than it deserves
    – in order to get things off your mind, you must know that:
    + you have captured, clarified, and organized your commitments, at all horizons
    + you will engage consciously with them as often as you need to
    – your ability to refocus, rapidly, on the right things at the right horizon at the right time is the master technique of knowledge work athletics
    + e.g., at 3:15, know what's the thing i need to focus on, and refocus rapidly
    – perspective is your slipperiest and most valuable commodity ~> methods for maintaining perspective are your most important tools
    – 2 aspects of self-management
    + control :: conscious focused engagement aware of all options at any one time and place
    + perspective :: aligned and clear about decisions, directions, and priorities
    | | ✘ control | ✔ control |
    | ✘ perspective | reactor | micro manager |
    | ✔ perspective | crazy maker | master & commander |
    – GTD models
    + mastering workflow :: 5 keys to gaining control
    + horizons of focus :: 6 levels of work (go bottom up to change)
    purpose, principles
    areas of focus/responsibility
    next actions
    + the old models…
    only dealt with one aspect, not complete
    compressed the models (SOLUTION: do not do 5 workflow keys at the same time)
    disconnected from reality
    system-dependent (SOLUTION: be system-independent)
    – how i came up with this
    i needed a better job
    i'm lazy
    i'm enthralled with efficient process
    i value clear space

  7. i am amazed that this guy has taken about 39 minutes so far just to tell me how important it is to write things down. Seriously? Is this the level of consciousness of humans? That we need 40 minutes to learn the importance of writing things down? I mean, geez,..we must not be this stupid as a human race that we need 40 minutes to teach and learn the importance of writing things down. How much did this guy get paid by Google? I would have felt ripped off that he used 40 minutes to tell people how important it is to write things down…like was that a $5-10K speech? Wadda rip off…

  8. 20 years ago I started with the 7 Habits, then I came across Kaizen. My life is still a … To me it seems David Allen knows what he´s talking about… At least he gives me hope !! And the spirit to get started with GTD…

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