第N个电报室与韩国政客和烈日捆绑在一起吗? (更新)

Kim Sang Kyo是《烈日》丑闻的告密者,透露他已经认识了Nth Room一年多了,并试图对此事进行宣传。现在,他正在某个政党的帮助下进行这项工作。韩国政治是否与“烈日”案和第N个会议室有关?

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  1. Aw I was hoping for a conspiracy board because dang so much going on in this. I bet there is, even more, going on we don't know and this is just the beginning of the iceberg.

  2. Don't try to confused this two case in order to distract citizen's concern on Nth room case.Even they might linked to each both case but it can be charged separately and differently.All those evil creator should charged with more heavy punishment and every victims deserve justice.Are Korea Police manage to settle this case fairly ?Only will get know someday when the final judgement.

  3. So when are we getting the names and faces of every single person who participated in these incel chat rooms im waiting to stop loving some idols they better be good it would be a waste of time and energy to love such horrible creatures

  4. Honestly, to me, if politicians are involved in Nth room, call them out. It shouldn't matter what affiliation they have. If someone fucked up, they need to be held accountable fore something like this.

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