



  1. For targetting priority as a mm or mage, i choose lowest hp as it will lock on to the hero with the lowest hp remaining. Almost always, they are the adc's as they have a weak sustain compared to tanks.

    For the lowest hp% settings (if im not mistaken) this will usually lock on to a tank since they have a high hp compared to other class. So if an enemy toro and an enemy telanas have the same hp amount left, the settings lowest hp% will lock on to toro, since toro usually have items that boost hp which gives him a bigger hp and that makes toro have the lowest hp%.

    Anyways, just click the avatar to focus on an enemy as this will lock on to the enemy you choose, regardless of the settings, until the enemy dies or is out of range.

  2. Finally a great content is appeared. But sadly i dont have device that support HFR mode ?? it stuck at 30fps in low mode ? (you can imagine if i change the graphic setting what fps will i get), but the setting for different heroes is nice btw ?

  3. Nice video ! What phone do you use ? Should I be concerned of overheating on a IPhone X ?
    Keep up the good work and make a video on Riktor plz !

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