莫诺斯 [Official Trailer] – 2019年9月13日在剧院

“令人着迷。亚历杭德罗·兰德斯是电影界一个强有力的新声音。” -Guillermo Del Toro。#MONOS。今年9月在剧院上映。

MONOS是Alejandro Landes令人敬畏的第三大特征,它是一个令人惊叹的生存主义传奇,位于拉丁美洲的偏远山区。影片追踪了一群年轻的士兵和叛乱分子-像兰博(Rambo),蓝精灵(Smurf),大脚怪(Bigfoot),狼(Wolf)和动臂(Boom-Boom)之类的名字-一直监视着美国人质Doctora(朱利安·尼科尔森(Julianne Nicholson))。

导演亚历杭德罗·兰德斯(Alejandro Landes)凭借米卡·莱维(Mica Levi)的高分(仅次于《皮肤与夹克》(Under the Skin and Jackie)获得第三名),从青春期的独特视角审视了战争的混乱与荒谬,以一种感觉的方式回想起《蝇王》和《美丽的旅行》完全原创。 Landes汇集了经验丰富的专业人士(包括Hannah Montana的MoisésArias)和未经培训的新手,他们的多元化年轻人阵容,将他们带入一个无情,非理性且通常是超现实的环境,在此环境中任何事情都可能发生,甚至和平。

  1. Does anyone understand what it meant when the prisoner picked up the radio and said "what part of mommy's body makes daddy frown"?

  2. I watched it and wow worst movie alive no plot at all and was so confusing and ending suck so bad god wasted almost 2 hours of my life

  3. It's a great movie.Its about civil war in Colombia. Where thousands of children have died. Its not funny. Its serious. It's happening right now.

  4. DOLITTLE (2020)

    Full Movie Available On :bigstar-movies.blogspot.com/ ———————————————————————






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    Sam Mendes, drejtori i krijuesit (James Bond) SKYFALL, prezantoi veprën epike të Luftës së Parë Botërore, 1917. Në kulmin e Luftës së Parë Botërore, dy ushtarë të rinj britanikë, Schofield (George MacKay) dhe Blake (Dean -Charles Chapman) iu dha një mision që dukej i pamundur. Ata duhet të bëjnë një garë kundër kohës

  5. Only if the movie was good like trailer..
    Mesmerizing is completely wrong word in relation of this movie. Sorry Guillermo, nothing special.

  6. Moises Arias and Robert Pattinson have one in common… both started in some (in my opinion) not that good franchises (aka. Hannah Montana – Twilight)…. and now look at them <3

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